Wow, the past couple of weeks have sped by me in a blur of beauty products, drinks, sleepless nights and copy writing deadlines!
Where do I begin? Let's start with the Smirnoff Event that Coutura and I attended. The best part about this event was that Pharrell chose me to come onstage and rock out with him and the rest of N.E.R.D.!!!! It was crazy being onstage with a major artist in front of hundreds of people. AND (like most of the free world) I luv me some Pharrell. But it was strange because once I got up there, I didn't throw myself at him (like most of the other chicas did). I was more amazed with the riffs the guitarist was playing and the amazing drummers (there were two). Of course, I danced my ass off and sweated it out like the rest of the girls up there with me (because it was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity!), but as I left the stage at the end of the performance I thought more about how awesome it would be to have my own rock band and made a mental note to sign up for guitar lessons. (And I do have a musical background, so it won't be too hard for me to pick up.)
I got home around 4 a.m. or so and that was the beginning of the end for me. I thought maybe I'd get some much needed zzz's that weekend, but I had brunch with my good friend Lea who then invited me to attend a birthday party out at Diana Ross's house in Connecticut for one of her younger sons, Ross. Of course, I couldn't say no to that! Diana's house was huge and Ross was super nice. (That other one, Evan Ross, was not so nice, but I'll just attribute his attitude to the fact that he's young and has stars in his eyes just because he was in the movie ATL...ha ha ha.) Lea and I partied into the wee hours of the morning and I slept most of that Sunday.
The next couple of the days at the office were super hectic because we were closing an issue and prepping for a major shoot. Coutura and I were busy burning the midnight oil, but that's the nature of the biz sometimes.
I also attended the Hennessy Artistry event (it was much like the Smirnoff event with artists performing). The line was super long and I got in just before the Fire Marshal showed up to say no else was getting in. The place was super packed, the venue very small and hot. I grabbed a cocktail and began scoping the scene. BJ Coleman (best known from Kimora Lee Simmons' TV show Life In The Fab Lane..word on the street is that he was fired) rushes past me with a gang of people (probably with some new client of his, no doubt); Fonzworth Bentley is deep in conversation with someone to my left and the model Chanel Iman is texting away to my right. Leona Lewis takes the stage and belts out some numbers and DJ Jazzy Jeff spins in between. Ne-Yo finally comes onstage and is the best performance of the night. However, I start to get grouchy from lack of sleep and the incessant heat and slimy looking guys in suits grabbing my arm trying to holla at me get to be too much and I decide to bounce. On my out, I spot Brooke Shields and Lindsay Price (stars of the hit show Lipstick Jungle) chatting it up. Overall, the event was ok, but Smirnoff definitely did the better job.
And now I'm off to do a bit of vintage shopping. Fall has finally arrived to the city and I want to start stocking up on the essentials (ie gloves, hats and scarfs).

The group Spank Rock performing at the Smirnoff Event. How fierce are those boots she's wearing?!

Apparently there was guy in the crowd who was a N.E.R.D. hater who raised his hand high and was flipping them off throughout their performance. Pharrell noticed it and gave it right back at him!

Pharrell searching the crowd for a few good women to join him onstage.

He picked me!!! That's me in the gray and black sweater right after getting pulled onstage by one of the band members.

And there I am...rocking out with N.E.R.D.!!!

Having brunch with my girl Lea in BK. She's a model and an awesome handbag designer (

Catching a breeze on one of the balconies at Diana Ross's house in Conneticut.

Coutura hard at work organizing clothes for a shoot.

I went to an Aussie beauty editor event and met the singer Tiffany...and she even performed! She's so awesome.

By the end of the week, Coutura and I have disaster areas for desks! Hopefully we'll get around to cleaning up a bit this week...