Happy New Year 2010 ...
Jawabannya tentu tergantung kita" menyikapinya.
Kalo gue sendiri sih, gue ngerasa sedih. Tapi ada senangnya juga. haha. (aneh banget ya jawaban kaya gini? :p ). Gue sedih, karena gue ngerasa dunia ini menjadi semakin tua, tentu usia kita akan cepat pula bertambah. Tapi gue juga seneng, karen dengan adanya taun baru, kita dituntut untuk memiliki SEMANGAT baru, KEHIDUPAN baru, MIMPI baru, dan PENGALAMAN baru tentunya.!
Yuph, tinggalkan masa lalu di tahun 2009 sebagai kenangan yg harus kita hargai, untuk dijadikan sebagai pelajaran. Dan sambut 'hari awal' di taun 2010 ini dgn 'mimpi" baru' yg harus kita gapai !
Gue harap, kita semua dapat memaknai arti taun baru yg sesungguhnya. Amiin .
SEMANGAT gals..., untuk memulai PERUBAHAN !!!
Selamat Tahun Baru 2010 . . .
Sapa malam hari.
Bertahtakan cinta yg menusuk di palung hati.
Membawaku khusyuk dalam doa,
Untuk tidur dan mimpimu.
Sejahtera bumi yang kau pijak,
Damailah hati yang kau jaga.
Tasbihkanlah segala damba yang kuiba.
Dalam jejaknya, dalam alurnya.
Semoga setia bukan niskala.
By Moammar Emka
on novel ::
365 Hari, 3 Cinta, 2 Selingkuhan
Do you dress for yourself, men or other women?

NEW!! Vivienne Westwood Teams up with Lee Jeans

Hey Glamazons!
New Year's Eve Dress Shopping on a Budget
Introducing...Cynthia Rowley for Roxy

Would you wear...Lady Gaga-inspired fashions?

If you've ever wanted to dress in a deranged, theatrical, avante-garde, alien-inspired look like Lady Gaga, you might want to see a therapist. I kid! Now, you have your chance.
The pop star has collaborated with Not Just a Label, to sell the looks she's worn in videos, concerts and press appearances! Yes, everything from her famously odd costumes to her couture-chic eyewear is up for sale.
Go to Not Just a Label to buy the looks (below), which range from the silver Paparazzi Eye Patch to her Bad Romance lace half-hat. And if you don't have the courage to wear her cape on a dinner date, atleast it will make for a show-stopping Halloween costume.

And for kicks, here are some of her most head-scratching ensembles this year (including what she wore to meet the Queen!). It's like watching a train crash: you know it's disastrous, but you just can't look away!

Tiga kata yg slalu mengisi relung" hatiku.
Tiada yg lain yg lebih bermakna.
Setiap nafas yg ku hembuskan.
Slalu diiringi tangis.
Tangis yg membuncah karena perih nya hatiku.
Perih lebih dari sakit..
Dan ternyata itulah yg aku rasakan.
Dalam kesendirian tak berujung ini.
Kesepian pun menyertaiku.
Tiada keceriaan yg mewarnai hidupku.
Seuntai harap coba ku raih.
Tapi apalah daya jika hanya angan.
Hanya mimpi yg tak berarti.
Kekosongan terus mengisi hati.
Menyebar hingga ke sanubari.
Dan tombak pun ikut menusuk.
Hingga ke palung hati.
Menyisakan perih yg abadi.
Darah pun menyembur keluar.
Mengotori jiwaku.
Membuatku hilang arah.
Perasaanku tak tersirat lagi dg jelas.
Darah pun serasa ikut mengucur.
Dari irisan nadiku.
Membuatku melemah tak berdaya lagi.
Jiwaku semakin rapuh.
Mulut pun tak sanggup berucap.
Dan disaat seperti ini pun..
Aku sendiri.
Ku mencoba terus bertahan.
Melawan semua ini.
Melawan keputusasaan ini.
Dg mencoba tersenyum.
Aku berdiri lagi.
Meski hanya seorang diri.
Ku terus melangkah mencari jati diriku.
Akankah aku terus sendiri ?
Hingga nafasku benar" direnggutNya ?
Aku tak tahu dan tak pernah tahu.
Dan biarlah hanya Dia yg tahu.
Dan hanya waktu yg menjawabnya.
Yg aku tahu, aku hanya bisa melangkah...
Sendiri lagi ...
created :: 15.06.07
Rachel Roy and Estelle are Headed to Africa

Hey Glamazons!
Accomplished designer, Rachel Roy is arguably having the best year ever. She debuted her eponymous line for Macy's, RACHEL Rachel Roy, to critical acclaim and commercial success. She collaborated with fashionable singer, Estelle, on a jewelry collection, which makes its highly-anticipated debut in 2010. And most recently, she nailed the photo opp every designer hopes for when Michelle Obama wore her pencil skirt while announcing the First State Dinner. Pretty amazing, right?
Her latest venture is even more commendable. Marrying her two loves, fashion and charity, Rachel Roy announced via Facebook that she will travel to Africa with Estelle and her daughter, Ava, to provide impoverished women with the opportunity of a lifetime. She will include handmade clutches and bracelets from Rwandan and Tanzanian natives, many victims of genocide and abuse, in her newest RACHEL Rachel Roy collection. Roy believes that the opportunity to participate in an international market will give these women the resources they need to stop the cycle of abuse and poverty, and to provide for themselves and their families.
As Roy announced via Facebook, her mission is a collaboration with Fairwinds Trading, an organization which gives victims of poverty, abuse and genocide the opportunity to participate in international commerce: "Through Fairwinds Trading these women are able to earn an income by creating exquisite handmade goods which are sold in the U.S. I am grateful to play a role in helping to change their lives by providing jobs & offering their handcrafted pieces through RRR,” Roy said.
Check out a few of the handmade pieces below. Rachel Roy (@rachel_roy), Estelle (@estelledarlings) and Roy's daughter Ava will document next month's trip to Africa on Twitter.
I find the beautiful designs and noble cause really inspiring, and can't wait to live vicariously through their pictures and anecdotes. What do you think of the pieces?
Attention: End of the Year Sale Time!!

Aurora still C.o.n.f.u.s.e.d
Brrr...dinginnya smpe ke tulang. Mana ga bwa jaket lagi.. huhu
Tp walopun gw kdinginan gini, stidaknya suasana hati gw jadi lbih baik laah. Hujan emg slalu bisa aja nenangin hati gw.. Wlopun hati gw masih dlm kndisi yg blm bnar" pulih :(
Entah napa y, akhir" ini, gw ngrasa 'berubah' .
Gw ngrasa jdi lebih sensitif.. lebih perasa, gmpg histeris n gmpg nangis..
Bayangin aja, ada masalah dikit aja, gw lgsung kpikiran.. Bhkan kalo msalahnya emg rada serius, gw bisa sring ngelamun n gmpg nangis.
Sbenernya ini wajar ga sih??
Tpi gw rasa, dulu" gw g kaya gini bgt!
Knpa yahh skrg gw kaya gini??
Apa krna msalah hidup gw yg makin bnyak gw cecap?
Tpi sperti inilah mgkin 'tangga kedewasaan' ...
Dimana gw d'tuntut untk lebih kuat n bertahan mnjalani hidup...
Apa mgkn sperti inii ?
Atw mungkin gw yg mulai 'sakit jiwa' ???
Oh No , gw masih normaL !!!
Siapa pun yg baca ini kasih gw masukan .....
Announcing...the LOFT Giveaway Contest Winner
Now, for The Glamazons and LOFT Giveaway Contest, the winner of a $100 Gift Card to the LOFT is...drumroll, please...
M.J. from Pea Ridge, Arizona! Congratulations, M.J.!!
Check out her tips below:
The biggest thing I do is start early, like in October! Still, I find I need to rush around at the last minute, shopping for the last few friends and family members. We're a 1-car family, so I work around my husband's schedule, and try to get a lot of shopping done in short bursts. I'll try to hit maybe one or two places when I get the car, and to do as much as possible at as few places as possible. Also, on a routine Walmart trip, I'll remember to pick up a few gifts/wrapping supplies along with my regular, everyday purchases. I like to hit the stores when the crowds are at a minimum.
Thank you everyone for participating and stay tuned for more Glamazon giveaways!
Ask the Glamazons: Shapewear Guide
We're starting a new column called "Ask the Glamazons," where we address your queries about anything fashion, beauty and even relationship-related.
Whether you're searching for the perfect outfit to wear to an interview or the right shade of red lipstick for your complexion, we've got you covered.
Just email theglamazonsblog@gmail.com (or tweet us at @glamazonsblog), and we'll give you the best advice to solve your fashion, beauty and relationship dilemmas.
Here's the first reader question via Twitter:
NiemaJ @glamazonsblog my dears, a guide for choosing shapewear? I'm kinda of done waiting until I lose xlbs to rock the dresses I really want :)
For ladies (like @NiemaJ and myself) that want to rock New Year's Eve dresses but haven't quite shed all the extra Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner weight we want to lose, here's a way to eat your cake and look good in your fitted outfit too.
Hey, if it works for Beyonce and Eva Longoria, it will certainly work for us.

And remember --- shapewear isn't just for tightening the tummy and thighs. Get extra lift and shape in the rear, create cleavage and even make your arms look more muscular with these fab shapewear finds below.
Check out key tips you want to remember when looking for shapewear plus the best products in the biz:
If you want to tighten your tummy...
To whittle your middle, look for shapewear that specializes in tummy control. The best tummy control shapewear I've ever tried (and I've tried them all) is from a familiar brand: Spanx.
Too often I see women in tummy control shapewear, with their gut hanging right over the top. Spanx has the most amazing bodysuit that attaches to your bra and gives your entire midsection a smooth finish. Lumps and bumps, be gone!
It's an absolute must-have to go under those Spandex, Herve-Leger dresses. It will make you look like you live in the gym!
Get it in three different styles (slipsuit, bodysuit and thong) to coordinate with every outfit, from jumpsuits to pants to dresses to pencil skirts!

Spanx Slim Cognito Seamless Mid-Thigh Bodysuit, $72-76, spanx.com.
Spanx Hide & Sleek slipsuit, $84-88, spanx.com.
Spanx Hide & Sleek Hi-Rise panty with thong back, $42-46, spanx.com.
If you want a more narrow waist...
You need a wearable waist cincher that's as effective as it is comfortable. Flexees offers the most amazing waist nipping shapewear which sits under your bra and acts like the corset from heaven.
It's not uncomfortable or restricting. It's made of nylon and has no eye hooks or closures (if you've ever stuffed yourself in a corset that stops blood circulation or oxygen flow, you'll appreciate this).
What it does have is a unique waist-shaping construction that slims your waist while emphasizing the curves of your bust and hips, creating the most beautiful, hourglass figure. (Oh and bye-bye Muffin top!)
Don't worry about that God-awful budge poking out from the bottom (have you seen that? gross!) as the cincher offers both waist-cinching and tummy control coverage. It's also available without the briefs for the dresses that call for thongs. Check out both styles below.

Flexees One Fabulous Body Waist Nipper, $24, maidenform.com.
Flexees Take Inches Off Long Torso Waistshaper, $26, maidenform.com.
If you want to lift and separate your girls...
Look for a bra that minimizes, gathers and shapes your bustline while providing comfort and support to your shoulders and back.
The Bali Concealers Minimizer bra is a wardrobe essential for busty beauties. The Minimizer bra boasts three extraordinary functions in one. Besides minimizing your bustline and making you appear slimmer up top, it re-shapes your girls, creating a sexy, perky and firm bustline.
What's more? It's supportive straps don't dig into your shoulders or back, making it super-comfortable.

Bali Concealers Minimizer bra, $34, balicompany.com.
If you want slender, muscular-looking thighs...
Look no further than the Sassybax Long Leg Panty Bottoms Up! Mid-Thigh Shaper. It boasts this inventive micro-ribbing technology that smooths and shapes the thighs.
What's really amazing is that makes your thighs appear stronger and firmer, but the bare knit band doesn't dig in or leave red marks on the leg or tummy like other shapewear. (TIP: If the elastic band on your shapewear digs into your skin OR rolls down, it may be a sign you need to go up a size).
An added bonus? It has eight distinct support systems that lift the derriere and a medium compression to trim the tummy.

Sassybax Long Leg Panty Bottoms Up! Mid-Thigh Shaper, $55, sassybax.com.
If you want a rounder, higher butt...
With buxom beauties like Beyonce, Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose getting lots of attention and press, the shapewear market for voluptuous derrieres has exploded in the last year. Designers offer tons of great options to boost your bottom to varying degrees.
A subtle way to enhance what you've got is to try the Sassybax Long Leg Panty (above), which, as I said, has eight different support technologies to lift and separate the derriere.
Daring divas in search of a full-on va-va-voom look can also try Frederick's of Hollywood's Four-Pad Panty. It boasts strategically-placed pads that create a curvier silhouette while lifting the booty you were born with.
If the padding is too much for your taste, you can remove them and still benefit from the panels that lift and shape your natural rear.

You can also rock Frederick's of Hollywood's miraculous Pick Me Up Derriere Bands that can be worn with your everyday panties and work wonders for boyish frames.
They push each cheek up and out to create an ample behind. The bands also trim and tighten the thighs.

Frederick's of Hollywood Pick Me Up Derriere bands, $10, fredericks.com.
Frederick's of Hollywood Four-Pad Panty, $42, fredericks.com.
If you want tighter, stronger-looking arms...
Yes, you read right. There is shapewear specifically designed for your triceps and bi-ceps. Tres Sleek's long-sleeve arm shaper is a lightweight shrug that takes arms from flab to fab.
It has a relaxed compression formula that magically reduces sagging skin by 1-3.5 inches to instantly create muscular-looking arms.

Tres Sleek long-sleeve arm shaper, $20.99, barenecessities.com.
If you're a man...
Gasp. Mirdle? Mantie-shapers? Yes, world, shapewear exists for men who want to look slimmer and firmer under their clothes.
Get rid of love handles and beer bellies with GearCom's compression support boxers and garments. The seamless technology and second-skin material ensures a comfortable fit, while the microfiber fabric fights odor and allows your skin to breathe.
These GearCom boxers don't just give the appearance of a toned midsection, they help you create one. The Micromassage Compression Support formula claims to boost circulation which flushes out the liquids and toxins that cause puffiness, thereby creating firmer abs.

GearCom Micromassage Sport Body Shaper Support Boxer, $39.50, gearcom.com.
GearCom Micromassage Sport Waist Cincher Support Boxer, $46.50, gearcom.com.
FIRST LOOK! Sex and the City 2 Movie Trailer

Cheers to the return of our favorite girls!
Oh wait, it does. Riding a camel in runway-worthy fashions takes fabulous to a new level (I rode a camel this summer in wedge heels as the Moroccan natives laughed in the background - glad to see the SATC girls know the importance of a "desert chic" outfit no matter the occasion! Haha).
No real plot revelations yet except that the girls travel to the Middle East, Carrie's still head over heels for BIG, Miranda and Charlotte are both busy making a home for their families and Samantha encounters a new, disarmingly handsome plaything. Also, looks like a gay couple gets married!! Stamford, is that you?
I can't wait to see what twists and turns await us in the new film, which rumors to touch on financial troubles (which I'm happy about because it makes the girls' lives more realistic and less frivolous) and of course, drama in their love lives (BIG better not act up this time around!).
So ladies, slide into your Carrie-inspired Manolos and check out the trailer below. The film will be released on May 28th.
What do you think?