Really?! Really.
I would quit my day job in a hot second if I received the phone call asking me to come and walk in some shows...or pose in a catalougue (hello Victoria's Secret) or magazine advertisement. I'm secretly obsessed with the world of models and even pretend that I'm one when I walk the streets of New York. As soon as I walk out my front door, I imagine that I'm about to walk the runway of the Zac Posen show and all of the top fashion editors are in the front row watching my every move. The media awaits me at the end of the runway to take shots of my outfit and Andre Leon Talley elbows Anna Wintour to comment on what an amazing walk I have and who is that fabulous girl?!
And then I almost walk into a pile of dog poop and my dream bubble has burst.
In reality, there's the loud drilling noises coming from the condos going up both next door and behind my apartment building (I can't remember the last time I really used my alarm clock), the cat calls from both the construction workers and the men running the automotive repair shop across the street (which I'm honestly convinced is actually just a chop shop) and the Tejano music blasting from the 24 hour laundry mat across the street (which, BTW isn't really open 24 hours but for some reason they haven't taken down the sign that says it is).
Also, nowhere within my dream bubble exists the fact that I have to sprint to the bus because I'm always and forever running late.
So, for now, I'm ok with attending Fashion Week shows and hanging out with the models backstage...and using the streets of New York as my catwalk.
You better work!
A model named Hollis taking a second to pose for my camera before getting her makeup done before the Nanette Lepore show. We were avidly discussing hair and she confessed that she always brings her own extensions and hair tools saying that she's seen too many models who have no edges due to the wear and tear of Fashion Week.
"If you don't look out for your own hair, no one else will," she said.

Exhibit A: I found this pic online of Naomi Campbell pushing back her hair only to reveal that she has no edges.

If were to walk in the Nanette Lepore show, I would have loved to rock this frock!

This Nanette Lepore frock comes in a close second in my book as a favorite compared to the one pictured above.
The designer gave all the models who walked in her show these swag bags. Right after I took this picture, I tried to sneak a peek to see the inside and looked up only to notice a lady with a headset giving me a nasty look. So, I ducked behind another rack of clothes before she could come chastise me. It's always important to avoid those with head sets when backstage.....
A model backstage waiting to get her hair done at the Christian Siriano show. At first, I was looking at her like why is she a model? And then I asked to take a shot of her and she quickly made this face. Fierce. And that's why she's a model.

And then Selita Ebanks walks in backstage at the Christian Siriano show and plops down to get her makeup done (makeup was done by Victoria's Secret beauty and she was one of the models in the show) wearing those Balenciaga sandals from the Spring/Summer 2008 collection....can we say jealous?! Yes, I was. I completely forgot about covering her makeup look and instead lusted after those shoes.
Some staffers pushed me out of the way to remove them. See, models don't even have to take their own shoes off!

One of the models getting 'greased up' backstage at the Baby Phat show. Ok, it wasn't grease, more like body oil.
Models backstage at the Baby Phat show.

This model was practicing her walk backstage at the Baby Phat show before it started....or maybe she was adjusting to the super high heels on her feet? I just couldn't get over her long, elegant legs. So I asked to take a pic with her (which she obligingly did). I consoled myself while standing next to her with the thoughts that I could TOTALLY walk in this show if I were only wearing short shorts and 8 inch pumps....