And like her beauty products, the bag collection costs next to nothing; Global Chic ranges from $50-130 and is available NOW on msn.com. Yes, you read right. Thank the Fashion Gods.
If you're a Glamazon-fan, you know how I feel about celebs-turned-designers, who peddle clothes, umbrellas, shoes, sneakers, drinks and even toothpaste as part of their ever-expanding brand. But due to her experience as Calvin Klein's and YSL's muse, and the sheer quality of her designs, Iman's foray into the fashion business feels natural. And if her bags are any indication, fashion was in need of her expert business sense and exquisite taste (and my bank account is in need of the recession-conscious price point). See for yourself and tell me which bag will be your summer staple. I've got my eye on the snakeskin, neon satchel. Lust at first sight.