Good Vibe: RIP Vibe Magazine

The Glamazons are devastated by news that Vibe Magazine, a publication with it's imprint on the pulse of hip hop, is no longer running. As readers, subscribers and lovers of everything Vibe, we feel the void. We haven't been this upset since Suede Magazine folded. On top of the edgy fashion spreads, the political essays, the artists who got their first taste of exposure (when no one else would cover them) and the genius 20 Questions franchise, we lost the very first platform for our music, when it was considered a passing fad by the mainstream. Around the age of 7, in 1992, when I was seduced by this alluring music form, scratch that, lifestyle called hip-hop, Vibe was my handbook. Now, sixteen years later, we've lost a staple of our adolescence, our voice and our culture that will never be forgotten or replaced. RIP

Pay your respects: 20 Questions...okay, just 3. What's your fave Vibe memory? What was the best Vibe cover? (Obviously I love the iconic cover of Tupac in a straitjacket, but what beats the controversial cover with TLC in firefighter uniforms?) And lastly...why aren't people buying magazines anymore? The web? The recession? The quality of the mag? (This last question terrifies us for obvious reasons). Discuss.

RIP Vibe Magazine, the voice of our culture before it was cool to like hip-hop!

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