Sally Hansen Offering Free Manicures Today in L.A.!!!

Who knew that bone marrow donation could equate to beautiful nails?!
Alright, so you don't have to necessarily donate your bone marrow, but you do have to get "swabbed" to help DKMS find potential bone marrow donors (because there are tons of leukemia and cancer patients out there that are in desperate need of the stuff!) and then Sally Hansen will give you a FREE manicure. (Something that I could totally use right about now because my nails are looking a hot sham of a mess....sigh). Where is all this greatness happening? Why, in Los Angeles of course! (Where I wouldn't mind being right about now. I always have so much fun when I go there.)
The event will take place today from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. in the Central Courtyard at the Hollywood & Highland Center, located at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard. (So you should totally go over on your lunch break...or just take a half day and tell your boss that you're helping out charity.)
Manicurists from Sally Hansen will be dolling up your nails using shades from their Complete Salon Manicure (which I've already raved about here on The Glamazons! The stuff is pretty amazing.) I also must mention that Sally Hansen is doing all these free manicures as part of their "Color That Cares" campaign and because they're trying to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most manicures done in a day, so why not help them out? This is a win-win situation for all parties involved.
If you go, tweet us a TwitPic of your finished mani!


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