The lazy days of summer have set in and I feel like everyone is experiencing the laziness but me. I'm exhausted, Glamazons. All around me, friends are heading out of the country on vacations; others may be planning them and I can't even think about it. Well, I do...for about two seconds before I dismiss it from my mind. How I'd love to be lounging halfway around the world on a beach somewhere. With no service so no one can reach me. (That's me above floating in a pool at a resort in Mexico.) Alas, these are just fleeting thoughts before it's back to the grind...and don't get me wrong...I love life. Sometimes it's just really hard. Especially life in New York. But, it's the life that I've chosen and I wouldn't have it any other way...except for a little vacation right now...oh and more money in my bank account...and maybe a new pair of Louboutins. Ok, I'll stop.
What type of R&R activities do you do Glamazons when you need to take some time away from the world?