So I have FINALLY gone to uni and on monday FINALLY set up my internet, after a few days of panicking about whether or not I'll finish my summer project in time ( It was to research 14 iconic pieces of clothing, I don't care how much of a loser I sound it was such a good project...even though it took me until about ten minutes ago to finish completely!)
Due to having my summer project and other things to do I realise its been a while since I last wrote on here, but I am so excited to be able to blog hopefully now more than ever due to being surrounded by creative people and being in more of a creative environment, I hope more of my posts will be about stuff I am doing on my course and about exhibitions I will be going to see rather than just posting about fashion news or runways I find interesting. (Also as it is Fashion week right now and hopefully tomorrow I can blog all about New York Fashion Week >.<)
But anyways just a quick post just to make all of you jealous and let you know that today during one of our introductions to our course I found out that my PR tutor/lecturer is none other than PIERS ATKINSON who is a top milliner, illustrator and stylist among many other things, which left my pants all fizzy (sick in my mouth.) and then resulted in me screeching down the phone like a banshee to my poor Gran talking about this man she has no idea about.
Just incase you have no idea who on earth I am talking about here are a few pictures of his latest collection dubbed: "It is later than you think" check, check, check it out :)