So, we've covered the man cleavage that singer Kanye West debuted at the MTV VMA awards, but the latest news we've read about him has me shocked and thinking "Is this even legal?!"
West will not only be on the cover of XXL magazine's October 2010 issue, but he also wrote the cover story about himself. Huh?!
Now, from a journalistic standpoint this is a rather strange concept because who's asking the questions here? (That's the whole point of an interview, ya know. The journalist asks the questions and the celebrity provides the answer.) However, it is kind of cool to see a celebrity actually picking up a pen and some paper and writing. (Alright, more like sitting down and typing on your MAC book, but you get my point.)
I do think that all of his publicity stunts are super annoying (insert rolling of the eyes here). And if I have to hear (or see) him apologizing one more time about the whole VMA/Taylor Swift incident, I'm going to scream. (Well, not literally, but just wanted to emphasize how over it I am in regards to hearing about the whole thing.)
I do admire him for taking the time to sit down and tell "the people" what they want to hear in regards to his career, etc. I mean, I'm sure that the mag editors there edited the feature story to high heavens, but I'm interested in seeing what West has to say about himself.
Now, I have witnessed celebrities being guest editors at magazines (although I've never really seen them do any actual magazine work other than showing up for staged photo shoots to make it look like they're working..smh..) so it does make sense that he would be the creative director for the special collector's 40-page section. I also like the cover (it's like a mirror image...very artsy for XXL, don't you think?!)
Does this seem like an issue you'll be purchasing once it hits the news stands on Sept. 28? Or are you over Kanye West talking about himself? Do you think this is GLAM or is just a big 'ole SHAM?!