The skincare brand has recently launched an online tool called The Skin Advisor that offers a skincare analysis and provides advice on common skincare issues. And (just in case you're thinking that it's just some random faceless tool) the brand has teamed up with dermatologist Dr. Westley to answer all of your inquiries and offer advice. Here's what he had to say:
"While serious skins conditions require a dermatologist's attention, the Curel Skin Advisor offers an advanced skin analysis and provides valuable advice for people seeking relief from common skincare issues, putting the cure in Curel."
Click here to visit The Skin Advisor, answer the questions and let us know what your favorite part about the questionnaire. We'll choose the best responses and two lucky readers will win one of each:
-Curel Itch Defense
-Curel Targeted Therapy Hand & Cuticle Cream
-Curel Targeted Therapy Foot Cream