Fashion Faceoff: Kelly Rowland vs. J-Wow's Revealing Pasties on New Year's Eve

We thought pasties were a thing of the past once Lady Gaga and Rihanna retired them. We couldn't have been more wrong.

Pasties reemerged in a big way on New Year's Eve with Kelly Rowland going full frontal in Vegas and J-Wow of Jersey Shore letting it all hang out in NYC.

We're totally not surprised by J-Wow's indecent exposure but Kelly left us shocked. Sure she's a diva with a huge Queen following as of late, but she was never as risque as say a Jersey Shore cast-member.

Pasties aren't for me (not brave enough, like, at all) but I believe if you bought it, flaunt it so more power to you, Kelly! And though she leaves little to the imagination in this look, her sheer, studded black top and diamond studs almost look classy next to J-Wow's rhinestone necklace and open blazer. Almost.

What do you think about Kelly and J-Wow's New Year's Eve pasties? Who wore it better, or umm less tackier?



Photo: Scott Gries/PictureGroup. David Becker/Getty Images.
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