Hey Glamazons! So, before I pass judgement on Christina Aguilera (I did wonder what in the heck she was doing at the Golden Globes especially considering the fact that she's now dating a production assistant or something of the like) I must say that I love this gown! Designed by Zuhair Murad, it contains 3 of my favorite things in a dress: fitted, sheer black and bejeweled. However, I do have to give her a side eye because wasn't she like a practically non-existent size zero like a couple of months ago?! You know, some say she's pregnant again, but we aren't ones to gossip, so you didn't hear that from us hahaha.
And oh yes, she was there due to that hot mess of a film she made last year called Burlesque.
What do you think of her look here? Do you give it a GLAM or a SHAM?!