How-To: Happy Halloween!


Like every glamazon on the planet, I was obsessed with Miss B's make-up in the Kitty Kat video. Call it fierce ambition, but my girls and I were determined to re-create the look for my Halloween costume, Cat Woman.  The process ended up being simpler and shorter than we ever anticipated! Even the most uninitiated beauty girl (like myself) can achieve this look by mastering three easy steps, so graciously outlined by my cousin, Tish and executed by none other than Beautylicious.

1 -  Apply gold pigment powder (on top of a matching cream shadow) to the crease of the eye, the eyelid and below the eyebrow as your base color. L'Oreal has an amazing pigment powder that looks beautiful against any complexion!

2 -  Use fluid black liner, like Revlon's Colorstay Liquid Liner, to draw small C's (some forward, some backward) and D's a similar length apart. *TIP: Remember it doesn't have to be perfect! The look is funky and fierce, not polished. A little variety in size and shape goes a long way.

3 -  Shade within the C's and D's with mahogany brown shadow. 

Voila! Instant glamourization.  

The finished product:


Love it!

Have a safe and happy Halloween!



Fashion Scoop: African Vogue and Diddy buys Enyce

Hope you all had a GLAM weekend! I floated from every bar (Hookah!) to industry event (Mont Blanc! Commes Des Garcons for H&M!) in the city and here are the scoops I got along the way...

African Vogue?


The geniuses behind this year's wildly popular "all-black" Vogue Italia are planning to launch an issue dedicated to Africa for L'Uomo Vogue. I, for one, am ecstatic! There has always been a hungry audience for beautiful black models and designers, and it's about time the industry caught up. The best part? They're donating half of ad profits to African charities. 

Franca Sozzani who created July's "all-black" issue of Vogue Italia, which addressed the lack of black models in fashion has another groundbreaking idea for the November issue of L'Uomo Vogue, of which she is also the editor: The magazine will be dedicated to Africa , and half of the advertising revenue will be donated to Africa-related charities, reports Robin Givhan for the Washington Post.



Next, Diddy, who owns Sean John and Zac Posen just bought the struggling fashion brand, Enyce from Liz Claiborne for $20 million according to the New York Herald. 

“Enyce is a brand that I have always admired, and they have been a very important player in the young men’s sportswear arena for over a decade. I am really excited to bring it into our portfolio of brands that already includes Sean John and Zac Posen. Given our track record of success in marketing products such as Ciroc Vodka, Unforgivable by Sean John, and all of our television titles, I look forward to adding our expertise to an already hot fashion line. Our long-term plan is to grow the Enyce brand through innovative marketing, expansion of the menswear and boy’s lines, and launching into new licensing categories. The current economic climate may be challenging, but we believe it is also an opportunity, and we are really excited to add Enyce to our lineup.” - the world according to Sean

Umm...the last time I took the bus to Broad and Market Street (in Newark, NJ) and shelled out two weeks worth of Aldo store paychecks for a tacky bright orange Enyce top and skirt with the logo so un-fashionably sewn across the front was 2001. I've since graduated from high school and college and moved out of my parent's house...



Yet I have faith that Diddy will do something exciting with the brand, I just pray he doesn't publicity-whore out all 6 of his children (or himself) in the ads. 



Glamazons, are you even excited to see this come back?! Which leads me to my next question, if you could resurrect any defunct fashion brand, which one would you choose? I personally think Eve's Fetish could have been so much more, but Mecca (remember that?!) should stay dead and buried.



Photos: Vogue. Sean John. Enyce.

Can Someone Tell Me.....

why these Real Housewives of Atlanta ladies can't afford good weave?! I mean, one would think that with all the money and connections they claim to have that their weaves would not be looking a hot mess, right?!
During a rare moment of downtime, I finally had the chance to watch the Bravo show...the episode about the birthday party that Nene (pictured below) did not get in. How tragic. What do you think?


Kim Zolciak....the wanna be country singer/single mom who lives off of her sugar daddy that she so fondly calls 'Big Poppa.'
Can you tell where her real hair ends and the weave begins?

Nene Leakes...that's a wig, right? Either way it's still a sizzling, burning, electrifying mess.

Would you wear...


...Marc Jacobs' gravity-defying pumps?

By now we've all seen the inverted heels that were the talk of Fall Fashion Week.


They're innovative, allegedly comfortable and Posh-approved, but would you wear these in public?


Even if was selling a version for $194.

Ellen Pompei would.


As for me, I admit they're surreal, creative and one-of-a-kind (<--- that could be my label whore tendencies talking) but my ankle hurts just looking at them. 


I'd imagine stepping off the sidewalk onto a NYC street becomes a death-defying feat in these shoes. And landing on my butt in a pool of murky water or a pile of litter, to the amusement of cab drivers and the delight of thirsty men (Hey shorty, if I help you up, can I get your number?), is not the way I want to spend my morning commute.

Amusing, perhaps, but ultimately they're just impractical and strange. Thoughts?



P.S. Even Berardi is jumping on the heelless trend with these 5 1/2 inch precarious platforms. 


He told London's Daily Mail, "When you walk, it's almost on tiptoe. You look really dainty." Yes, dainty is exactly the word I'd use to describe me flying headfirst down a flight of stairs. 

Apparently, the world loves them...or atleast England. They have to be ordered up to five weeks in advance at Browns stores in London. Huh? Discuss.

Style and Error

At the mag, our EIC (editor-in-chief) sends out emails to the entire staff from our readers, who are by far, the funniest people in the world. One letter that stands out is a ranting from a perturbed reader who infamously begged our Beauty Director to give Star Jones and Jennifer Hudson a makeover, covering up their "cow titties." Yes, cruel and crazy.

Eccentricities aside, sometimes our readers have a point: too many celebs are missing the mark and are in need of some professional makeover magic. Maybe because Halloween's approaching, or there could just be something in the water, but this week more than ever, celebs came out looking a burning, flaming, sizzling, oxidizing, hot mess. 

So here are the looks the glamazons could have done without this week. In between laughing and sharing with your co-workers, please say a quick prayer for them...


Mel B., who is fly under most any other circumstance, is dressed like a video girl from outerspace. Her outdated updo makes her appear all the more extraterrestial; it looks as if something is growing out of her head. And why the hood and the low-cut neckline? Your head is cold, but your boobs aren't? I'm confused.


Mmmm...this is an infection waiting to happen. Everyone knows leggings are tight but balance it out with a loose-fitting top, I beg of you. The leather corset and stilettos make 'Tasia look like she should be strutting down Hunt's Point like it's for sale and the rent was due yesterday (a la Miss J). This season's sexy is understated, subtle and mysterious, not out there for the world to see. And speaking of visibility, take a seat and that camel toe is going to be on full display. Are you gagging yet (cause I am)?


This is seven types of wrong. Clunky boots, booty shorts, baggy halter, bra peeking out, no, no, no! Shar is a beautiful girl with an amazing shape. And though this outfit highlights her killer legs, the shorts and sagging top make her look even more top-heavy and bottomless. Plus the fabric is cheap and the shoes are two sizes too big (that space between your heel and the back of the shoe? It's telling on you, Shar). 



Golden Brooks, three words: Covergirl Queen Collection. There is a foundation for your shade. And while you're buying it at Target, get an iron for that cover-up that looks like you slept in it overnight. Furthermore, the lace* and sleepwear trends shouldn't look like you threw on some jeans and came outside in your pajamas. 

*Sidenote to black women everywhere, lingerie "nude" is not our nude. When in doubt, black undergarments are the way to go. 


Ladies, not everybody can be Rih Rih or Posh, I know. And even glamazons have bad days. But what you've just witnessed is a week of foolishness. And like our readers say, they're in need of makeovers and prayers.



Dancing Machines

Before I was swept up by the glamourous world of fashion, all I ever did was dance. So in honor of my deferred dream and Miss B's new Fosse-inspired video (featuring the guest appearance of a certain ring), I've brought you some of my favorite dancing videos of all time to get you through Monday...enjoy!

Beyonce, Single Ladies
Beyonce sashays into megastardom with an entire video of Fosse-inspired choreography with a bootylicious twist. Fosse may be turning over in his grave, but women everywhere are practicing every pop and roll in the mirror until it's sasha-fierce!

Paula Abdul, Straight Up
Her Highness! Before American Idol and televised sexual tension with Simon, Miss Abdul was a dancing queen. Here's Paula at her royal best. 

Janet Jackson, Pleasure Principle
A mover and a shaker, Miss Jackson stepped out of her brother's shadows to emerge as one of the most dynamic and beloved performers of all time. With a mirror, mic stand, chair and sensational dance performance, Janet proved she was here to stay.

Aaliyah, Are You That Somebody?
Who didn't know every move to this charming video, choreographed by the late singer's good and talented friend, Fatima? The steps were as young and spirited as the dancer herself, but Aaliyah's ease and effortless cool is what made the video a hit.

Madonna, Vogue
Inspired by a popular dance routine performed in gay nightclubs, Madonna created the mother of all dance videos and cemented her spot at the top of every Queen's list. Far from just a poser, Madge vogued her way into iconic territory.

Michael Jackson, Thriller
Groundbreaking. Theatrical. Spectacular. More than a music video, this was a horror film/mini-musical in which MJ's terrifying zombie and cat monster costumes and electrifying dance moves was the stuff pop legends are made of.

Classics. Let me know what dance videos make your list, and have a glam week!



Sole Mates

My secret? I can barely get through packing for Accessories and Cover shoots without being transfixed by the most beautiful, alluring shoes that come into the office. My many lovers---John Galliano, Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent---have all been the sole object of my affection at one point or another. What happens is I sit on the floor of the Fashion closet and stealthily try on stilettos, platforms and pumps instead of focusing on the fifty pairs of shoes I have to do inventory for in the next hour before the messenger comes to pick up the trunks. And from the looks of the Spring 2009 Collections, my clandestine love affairs will only be getting worse...

Romance was in the air during Paris Fashion Week, where the heels were alive with Miu Miu's painted wedges, Louis Vuitton's tribal motifs and Dior's fertility Gods (the latter are shoes a lot of people shouldn't be wearing, Dior...).

Take a look, I promise, it's love at first sight!

John Galliano's modern metallics


YSL's wire-framed stunners


Dior's divine delights (fertility gods complete with pregnant bellies)



Chanel's feminine 40's glam



Louis Vuitton's fashion tribe


Lanvin's embroidered beauties


Miu Miu's painted masterpieces


Alexander McQueen's crown jewels


Viktor Rolf's eclectic heels




Wow, aren't they beautiful?! Glamazons, which shoes are you head over heels for?



Not Just Great Denim

Every fashion brand can't create a good line of cosmetics (Exhibit A: Calvin Klein).
So when I heard that Rock & Republic would soon be launching their own cosmetics line, I was very skeptical. But these eye shadows are on point and best of all (just like the clothes) stay put! There are 48 shades ranging from vibrant to matte so you can paint the perfect eye no matter what your mood! They're a bit on the pricey side, so if you're a beauty maven on a budget, grab a shade that you'll wear both day and night so it's worth the investment. (Rock & Republic Saturate Eye Colour,$28,


Wow, the past couple of weeks have sped by me in a blur of beauty products, drinks, sleepless nights and copy writing deadlines!
Where do I begin? Let's start with the Smirnoff Event that Coutura and I attended. The best part about this event was that Pharrell chose me to come onstage and rock out with him and the rest of N.E.R.D.!!!! It was crazy being onstage with a major artist in front of hundreds of people. AND (like most of the free world) I luv me some Pharrell. But it was strange because once I got up there, I didn't throw myself at him (like most of the other chicas did). I was more amazed with the riffs the guitarist was playing and the amazing drummers (there were two). Of course, I danced my ass off and sweated it out like the rest of the girls up there with me (because it was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity!), but as I left the stage at the end of the performance I thought more about how awesome it would be to have my own rock band and made a mental note to sign up for guitar lessons. (And I do have a musical background, so it won't be too hard for me to pick up.)
I got home around 4 a.m. or so and that was the beginning of the end for me. I thought maybe I'd get some much needed zzz's that weekend, but I had brunch with my good friend Lea who then invited me to attend a birthday party out at Diana Ross's house in Connecticut for one of her younger sons, Ross. Of course, I couldn't say no to that! Diana's house was huge and Ross was super nice. (That other one, Evan Ross, was not so nice, but I'll just attribute his attitude to the fact that he's young and has stars in his eyes just because he was in the movie ATL...ha ha ha.) Lea and I partied into the wee hours of the morning and I slept most of that Sunday.
The next couple of the days at the office were super hectic because we were closing an issue and prepping for a major shoot. Coutura and I were busy burning the midnight oil, but that's the nature of the biz sometimes.
I also attended the Hennessy Artistry event (it was much like the Smirnoff event with artists performing). The line was super long and I got in just before the Fire Marshal showed up to say no else was getting in. The place was super packed, the venue very small and hot. I grabbed a cocktail and began scoping the scene. BJ Coleman (best known from Kimora Lee Simmons' TV show Life In The Fab Lane..word on the street is that he was fired) rushes past me with a gang of people (probably with some new client of his, no doubt); Fonzworth Bentley is deep in conversation with someone to my left and the model Chanel Iman is texting away to my right. Leona Lewis takes the stage and belts out some numbers and DJ Jazzy Jeff spins in between. Ne-Yo finally comes onstage and is the best performance of the night. However, I start to get grouchy from lack of sleep and the incessant heat and slimy looking guys in suits grabbing my arm trying to holla at me get to be too much and I decide to bounce. On my out, I spot Brooke Shields and Lindsay Price (stars of the hit show Lipstick Jungle) chatting it up. Overall, the event was ok, but Smirnoff definitely did the better job.
And now I'm off to do a bit of vintage shopping. Fall has finally arrived to the city and I want to start stocking up on the essentials (ie gloves, hats and scarfs).

The group Spank Rock performing at the Smirnoff Event. How fierce are those boots she's wearing?!

Apparently there was guy in the crowd who was a N.E.R.D. hater who raised his hand high and was flipping them off throughout their performance. Pharrell noticed it and gave it right back at him!

Pharrell searching the crowd for a few good women to join him onstage.

He picked me!!! That's me in the gray and black sweater right after getting pulled onstage by one of the band members.

And there I am...rocking out with N.E.R.D.!!!

Having brunch with my girl Lea in BK. She's a model and an awesome handbag designer (

Catching a breeze on one of the balconies at Diana Ross's house in Conneticut.

Coutura hard at work organizing clothes for a shoot.

I went to an Aussie beauty editor event and met the singer Tiffany...and she even performed! She's so awesome.

By the end of the week, Coutura and I have disaster areas for desks! Hopefully we'll get around to cleaning up a bit this week...

What You're Wearing In...

...New York City!

Okay, new post. Everybody loves a famous style maven, from Zoe Kravitz to Kelis, but Ferocia and I are firm believers that the most GLAM looks are right at home. That's why each week, we'll highlight the fiercest fashions in every city (and eventually, we'll go global), starting with our new favorite place, downtown Manhattan. Here, the top trendsetters at NYC's ever-popular Milk Studios...


Besides a pair of endlessly long legs, this glamazon boasts the hottest look of the season: the jumpsuit. The dark denim suit is super stylish. And take note: since the fabric doesn't always contour to your shape, the belt is your best bet to create curves. To top it off, her colorful accents (shiny mules, bracelet and make-up) and gold jewels up the fab quotient. Love it!

Only tip: if the pockets are longer than the shorts, either stuff them or cut them out altogether. I'd do the latter, you have to sacrifice for fashion!! And let's be honest, what can you really hold in a tight jumpsuit? Exactly.


Bold, printed dresses ruled this summer and this glamazon gets everything right! Unique color combos? Check. Swirl designs that aren't a cheap imitation of Pucci? Check (thank God!). Subtle jewelry and make-up? Check. And the flutter sleeves and bow add such a nice, feminine touch. Flawless.


This guy's outfit defines my theory on fashion as captured so beautifully by the late Yves Saint Laurent: Fashions fade, style is eternal. Style yourselves, people! Rather than throwing a bunch of menswear products on, he pieces together items that work, creating a dope, head-to-toe ensemble that's all his own. Every piece from the fedora to the glasses to the bracelets (ennhh...I'm not crazy about it, but hey, it's his own), completes the look! So ferosh, it's deadly.


This look is the definition of cool. It's preppy, laidback, masculine and stylish (yes, it's possible to be both). From the proportions (the quarter-length sleeved cardi with sleeves so casually pushed up and knee-length shorts) to the mixed patterns (zig-zag tie, striped shirt), this outfit is a winner. And the leather bag just screams elegance and quality. Bravo!

Glamazons, now all you have to do is email us at: 

...with pictures of the amazing street style (of ladies and gents) in your city! You know the fashionista who always walks out of her house looking like she belongs on a magazine cover? The man who's perennially fashion-forward whether he's going on a date or heading to the gym? We want them. Can't wait to see your submissions!!

Talk soon!



My Ping in