Crystal Fighters: "I LOVE LONDON"

I went to go stay with a friend in Central London on Friday, I wanted to go see an exhibition at the Barbican on 30 years of Japanese Beauty but my friend was very reluctant to go so we went shopping instead. I thought I would share with you the pictures I took on my day out. It's a little mixture, but the ones of people I wouldn't consider street style as I didn't purposely set out to go find them and to write about styles, just bits of there outfits or the whole of it I found quite interesting.
Now I'm a sucker for anything shiny or studded so when I saw this girl rocking this jumper I had to take a picture. I really thought the studded detail on the shoulder was really funky and interesting, and also gave the jumper more of an edge.
I saw this little boy and his dad and thought they looked so cute together and then I saw that they were both wearing roller skates and thought that was absolutely amazing!! (It did make me think of the Shadrack videos on youtube where he's just casually chilling with skates on.
Fur and a cape= major style points.

Me and my friend decided we'd go for dinner, on the way to the restaurant we saw two guys giving out free art. The pictures themselves weren't the best quality but the thought was there. I found the idea and the pictures quite humorous and sweet.
unfortunately my camera ran out of battery before I could take a picture of all the artwork so heres a picture of the one I chose to take :)

Happy Halloween!!!

Hey Glamazons! We just wanted to wish all of you a happy (and safe!) Halloween.
We love Halloween because it gives us the opportunity to get creative and dress up in outfits that we might not normally wear on a normal basis. Plus, Ferocia finally gets to use all that makeup that she has (yesssss!) I mean, just look at this pic of us from last year hahahaha!
Feel free to send us TwitPics or post photos on our FaceBook wall showcasing your Halloween costumes!

The Glamazons

Ferocia's New Tool In The Battle Against Pesky Aging Things Like Crow's Feet (ewww!)

I’ve got a new secret skincare weapon that I’ve just got to share with you! (Because it would be super selfish of me NOT to tell you all about it and the fact that I’ve been using it non-stop since I was given the priviledge to receive it a couple of weeks ago at an event.)

So, without further ado, let me tell you all about the Clarisonic Opal. I’m sure that you’ve heard all about the actual Clarisonic for your face, right?

Well, just in case you may be saying “I don’t know what that is” while reading this, I guess it would only be fair for me to tell you all about it. The Cliff’s Notes version is that it it’s an awesome little face tool that utilizes gentle micro-massage action to gently cleanse skin so that you can better absorb facial products. In fact, there are all these fab clinical notes that have been published stating that you can remove six times the amount of makeup than you would with manual cleansing, reduce pore size, fine line and wrinkles while improving skin tone. Now, who doesn’t want this?!

So, after its wildly popular success, its great inventors came up with the Clarisonic Mia (a smaller, cuter version which I also scrub my face with religiously) and then TA-DA the Clarisonic Opal.

Us bloggers were treated to a little test preview at The Spa in the Trump SoHo tower. (Side note: Um, I was made to live in this building! It just exudes sexy swankness and I’m determined to one day have a penthouse suite there. Yeah, I said. Me. Stranger things have happened, right?! Hahahaha.)

I’m not sure of it you know it or not, but I’m obsessed with these crow’s feet that are starting to visibly creep onto my face (ewww!). So, I’ve been on a rampage to try and get rid of them. And now, dear Glamazons, I’ve finally found the tool that has done just so! This Opal is amazing in that it has the same vibrating, massaging technique as the Clarisonic except its used around your eyes. You know how they say you’re supposed to “gently pat” eye cream around the eye area lightly but don’t you ever wonder if you’re patting enough times or if you’re even doing it gently enough?! (I know I do!) The Opal takes all the guesswork out of this whole eye cream application business so you know that it’s getting done right and efficiently. And when things get done right and efficiently around your eye area, well, those pesky little crow’s feet just start to disappear over time like magic. And this Opal is so light and portable that you can take it everywhere with you!

Ah, I just love a skin miracle, don’t you!?

I know, I know the Opal is expensive ($245!) but believe me when I say that it’s totally worth the investment; and your face will thank you later. Also, if you can’t imagine being able to afford the actual Clarisonic, you can totally do its mini-me (the Mia) for $149.

You can feel good about your Mia purchase, too if you get the pink one since the brand is donating money to the national public service Look Good…Feel Better. This organization helps women with cancers manage their treatment and recovery with renewed spirit and greater confidence.

Both the Opal and Mia are available for purchase exclusively at and

I’m telling you, after just one month with these products you’ll have the most lovely glowingest skin ever. Happy massaging!



Nigel Barker's Eternally Beautiful Face (Oh, And He Has A New Book Out, Too)

Nigel Barker really does have a beautiful face, Glamazons. And can you believe that my fellow blogging buddy Glambr grilled him about his skincare regime to no end and he doesn’t even really have one?! (Just drinks a lot of about some good genes!) That's him above..signing one of his new books for me. Isn't this an amazing pic?! Don't you love my Michelle Obama hair?! But (per usual), I’m getting ahead of myself..let me rewind back to the beginning.

One particularly stressful morning as I was wondering how the heck I was going to pay my rent for the month, I made my way down to SoHo to hear what Nigel Barker had to say about his new book, Beauty Equation. It was kind of strange that it was at Citibabes, which is basically like a daycare center for really rich parents, but whatever. Who am I to question event spaces? Needless to say, it turned out that having the background noise of screaming children while attempting to listen to this great man talk about his new book was not a particularly awesome experience so there wasn’t much that I got from the presentation.

However, lucky for me and my addiction to E! Television that I caught him the night before during a segment giving some pretty awesome style and red carpet tips.

Side note: You know how sometimes you take a pic and it looks like you have a third chin? Well, he said on the E! segment that you can avoid this by tilting your head back and then bringing it slowly forward right before taking a photo. No more turkey neck..genius!

While he did give some interesting background about himself (it seems like the man is head over heels in love with his wife) all I could think about was the fact that he is just as gorgeous as he looks on TV (if not better). I also thought that what a breathtakingly beautiful child we could have together.

But, all that is beside the point. The point is that his book is not as pretentious as one would think (considering that his main gig is to judge young girls on America's Next Top Model) and that I think that you should check it out. It also just happens to feature pictures of several editors that I know or have worked in the past with so it makes it that much more cooler in my book. (We all know that it would have been even more amazing if I’d have been featured in it as well, but that’s ok. I have high hopes and dreams that we’ll one be working together in some form of fabulous capacity.)

And how awesome is that he signed my book “To the most beautiful woman in the world?!” Yes, Glamazons, true story. (See below)

Beauty Equation retails for about $15 and is available now for purchase at a major bookstore near you (think Barnes & Noble). Be sure to let me know what you think of it after you check it out!



Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos Reviews

Good news for Gucci fans out there, Gucci has finally announced that their new line of handbags will be out soon in early spring. We have spoken about these bags in our previous post and gave you all a little sneak peek on what to expect and now the excitement can begin, as you will be able to touch one of these bags and feel them. These handbags, as reported earlier, are made of a rare combination of Gucci’s classical designs with rare leathers that Gucci will implement in these handbags’ designs.

We all know that crocodile’s skins and the raw python skins have been Gucci’s trademark for a long time and we are honestly glad that Gucci decided to spice things up with their new line of handbags. The designs will also have the special conception from Frida Giannin who happens to be Gucci’s Creative Director for sale bags. These new Gucci Handbags will be available in Gucci outlets everywhere.

Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos
Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos
Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos
Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos
Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos
Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos
Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos
Gucci Fashion Hangbags Photos

Ferocia's Two Cents On The Marie-Claire-Obese-People-Debacle

Hey Glamazons! OK, OK I know that I’m super late and just about everyone and their mom has said something about it already, but this whole Marie Claire blog post debacle has been on my mind for awhile now. And I totally have a blog (obvs!) so why not post my two cents about it, right?!

So, just in case you’re behind in the news, this blogger Maura Kelly that writes about Sex and Relationships for took to the net to air her opinions on fat people displaying public affection for each other. (Click here to read it.)

I’ve never actually watched the show she discusses (CBS sitcom Mike & Molly), but supposedly it's getting flack for the loads of “fat jokes” that are told on it as well as the fact that some viewers “aren’t comfortable watching intimacy between two plus-sized actors.”

In a nutshell, I think Maura's entire blog post was pretty insensitive, but the part that disturbs me the most was not that she voiced the fact of being grossed out at the idea of watching fat people make out but this:

“I think obesity is something that most people have a ton of control over. It’s something they can change, if only they put their minds to it.”

And then goes on to offer diet advice.


Excuse me, Miss Kelly it’s OK to voice your opinion, but don’t presume to try and tell others how they should live (or lead) their lives.

I’m not an obese person, but I do have some friends and family members that are and never in life would I ever try to tell them how to lose weight when I myself would probably be the same if I didn’t have a high metabolism. (Yes, I have a seriously sad love affair with foods that aren’t always the best for me and working out is not exactly at the top of my to-do list.)


However, it does make my stomach turn to watch an obese person eat so would that be the same thing as her saying that she can’t stand the idea of them making out on public television? Is it insensitive for me to also say that I get angry when a fat person sits next to me on the train and hogs up all the space?

Yes, it probably is. But never in a million years would I ever judge anyone for being obese or even super skinny for that matter. It’s your life and you have to live it for yourself and no one else.

So, essentially, I don’t think that there’s harm in Maura actually voicing her opinion about what she views as being attractive (obese people obviously not being one of her top faves) but more so in the fact that she’s writing about (and passing judgment on) a whole topic that she knows nothing about.

Also, the fact that she’s writing on behalf of a women’s magazine that’s supposed to love all women (no matter what the size) makes it even worse. (Side note: It also doesn’t help that they currently have one of the skinniest women in America (i.e. Victoria Beckham) on their November 2010 cover.)

Although she’s since written an apology addendum to the blog post and added that she herself has struggled with anorexia, the damage has been done. Thousands of people have taken to the cyberworld to voice their opinions through MarieClaire’s Face Book and Twitter pages announcing that they’ve cancelled their subscriptions. I’m also pretty sure that Maura will never be able to show her face in the cyberworld again without receiving some sort of hate mail attached.

But, I want to know what you think about all this, Glamazons. Do you agree with me above when I say that it’s meaner that Maura passed judgment on obese people rather than the fact that she states that seeing them make out in public disgusts her? Am I wrong to say the things that I said above about fat people? Does anyone out there actually agree with what Maura writes?! Let’s talk about it below in the comments section.



Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers Reviews

We are very excited and grateful to be able to now offer you the internationally recognized Italian jewelry line, Damiani.
The Damiani family is from Valenza, Italy and the company was founded in 1924. Enrico Grassi Damiani started to design and produce diamond jewelry and he was so successful that noble families commissioned him to become their personal jeweler.
His son, Damiano Grassi Damiani has now carried on the family tradition and even increased the fame of the brand and evolved into focusing on design and promoting technical innovations in jewelry design. He actually invented the luneter-effect setting to highlight the brilliance of diamonds and his grasp for marketing and business put the Damiani family in even higher standing in order to become one of the top jewelry lines in the entire world.

Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers
Damiani Fashion Styles Wallpapers

Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures

Rihanna’s hairstyles always look stunning. When Rihanna first cut her hair she quickly became a hairstyle icon with everyone wanting her style.he bob has become a very popular look all over again. This type of style allows you to look a lot longer and leaner as well. For those who have the rounder shape faces, this cut would look excellent! You will also need to ensure that you have the long, prominent bangs as well. Rihanna has been known for these bangs and she continues to sport them today.Its seems that Rihanna has gotten shorter and shorter hair over the past couple of years. At first we saw her with medium length hair. It was modern and edgy. As time went by, she went for a fringe and now she has a great bob type style.

Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures
Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures
Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures
Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures
Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures
Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures
Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures
Rihanna Hairstyles Pictures

New Brief

Last week we handed in our first university assignment (YEYYYY!) Today we got our new one and it's absolutely fucking insane!! We have ten weeks to produce a styled image based on a musical icon from past eras from early as the 40's up to the 80's (mine is Doris Day.), as well as putting together three mood boards for styling, make up and poses, we also we have to compile a trend report together for S/S 2011 trends as well as aiming our shoot at a magazine and creating a magazine report about our chosen magazine.
We were given a list of magazines to choose from out of:
  • Vogue (US or UK)
  • Harpers Bazaar
  • Pop
  • Love
  • Purple Magazine
  • Dazed and Confused
  • i-D
  • Wallpaper
  • Another Magazine
  • Another Man
  • Fantastic Man
  • The Gentlewoman
  • GQ
I'm quite glad our tutor has given us a list of magazines to pick from as I think I would have been a bit stuck on what to choose otherwise. I was debating with myself and getting really analytical about Doris Day and what kind of feel I would go for, as I thought going for a niche magazine like Dazed which is something that I read and whether I get the shoot right it wouldn't be completely out of my comfort zone and I thought something like Vogue, Tatler or Harpers Bazaar is too obvious (but then is the obvious always that bad? I don't want to make it too un-obvious right?) But enough of me rambling on, I think I have an idea of which magazine I want to pick out of the above, which is exciting and i've already been writing down a list of trends seen on the catwalk as I wanted to compile a blog post about them so that might come in handy :) I am so pumped about this project I really cant wait to go buy a sketchbook tomorrow at uni now!!!! >.<

Lanvin for H&M - New Images!

Lanvin for H&M continues to tease us by slowly releasing photos to build up hype for the launch. Cruel, right?

The second image of the collection has hit the internet via Vogue UK. Where the first teaser showed black satin jackets and dresses with balloon necklines and rosettes, the second image is conversely vibrant and color-happy.

Feminine flourishes like florals and ruffles define these pieces that are stylishly mixed with leopard print pumps and clutches. Tres chic!

I'm partial to the satin black numbers, but the collection as a whole still seems fabulous. What do you think about the second image?

In their campaign to get us all excited for the launch, the good folks at Lanvin for H&M are planning a runway show and a short film directed by Mike Figgis (Leaving Las Vegas). Umm, can I just shop the clothes already? Thanks...

Are you excited for the launch?



Bulgari Fashion Images Watches Perfumes And Rings

Bvlgari plans to open 100 stores in 3 years. Asia is one of their primary focuses. In a Bloomberg article about Bulgari’s move into the hotel business in Milan and Bali, CEO Francesco Trapani points out that the hotels give them “incredible visibility and allow us access to important clients.” Six more hotels are coming, including my favorite, Tuscany.

Bulgari Fashion Images
Bulgari Fashion Images
Bulgari Fashion Images
Bulgari Fashion Images
Bulgari Fashion Images
Bulgari Fashion Images
Bulgari Fashion Images
Bulgari Fashion Images
Bulgari Fashion Images
Val Kilmer wore a stainless steel Bulgari Chronograph watch in The Saint movie that was released by Paramount in 1997. For the occassion, Bulgari created 100 limited edition versions of their Chronograph for the movie. One of those watches is now available on eBay for a Buy It Now price of $4799.00

In the movie the watch plays a crucial role, as Simon Templar trades a Bvlgari Platinum Rattrapante Chronograph for his life at one point. There are some other product placements in the movie: Volvo and Nokia to name a couple.
Bulgari Fashion Images
My Ping in