10 Minutes with Micah Jesse, Celebrity Blogger

He's loud. He's fabulous. He's amazeballs. And he's newly platinum blonde.

I'm talking about none other than celebrity blogger, Micah Jesse!

If you don't know the name, you should. At only 23, Micah has interviewed the top celebrities of our time: Elton John, Beyonce, Rihanna, Heidi Klum, Kanye West, Gladys Knight, Kelly Ripa, Cuba Gooding Jr. and more! But he's a star in his own right. Besides sharing his talents with Us Weekly and OK! Magazine, he manages a wildly popular blog, MicahJesse.com, which is one of the only sources of positive celebrity news on the web. And he's adorable!

Micah Jesse cracks me up, and I told him as much when I finally met him backstage at the Heart Truth Red Dress Collection fashion show. We've been fans of each others ever since.

Yesterday, I caught up with the superstar, fresh from an appointment at the Ricardo Rojas salon, to chat about everything from tips for making it in the entertainment biz, to boys we love, to Rihanna's special nickname for him, to Adrienne Bailon's beauty secrets. Read on!

Coutura: Okay, can I just say I looove your new look! What made you go platinum blonde?

Micah Jesse: I was getting my nails did because the publicist for this salon was like, "Come in, and get your nails Mynxed from Beyonce's manicurist [Lisa Logan]." And I was like OMG, I would die. So after I got it done, I was talking to the hairstylist [Richard Rojas] and he was like "With those eyebrows, you can look like Jean Paul Gaultier with bleached blonde hair." I was like I've never done it in my life but at the end of the day, change is good. [Editor's Note: Check out Micah Jesse's Youtube video and read his 'Blonde Ambition' post here.]

Coutura: Ohhh I love Lisa Logan, she's done my Mynx before too. Leopard print Mynx for my birthday. Oww! So how important is your look to making it in the entertainment industry?

Micah Jesse: I have a big personality so I need a look to match my personality. Things like Mynx nails and a new blonde look are attention grabbing. They get people to start talking. I never expected my site to blow up the way it has. I'm just a small town guy from Georgia who moved to New York with a dream and now, I have all these opportunities and meet these new people. I think a lot of that stems from being unique and having a unique look.

Coutura: So cool that you're from a small town in Georgia and moved to the city and now you're a huge, famous, red-carpet blogger.

MJ: Thanks. Atlanta was hard for me. I was still in the closet. I had dreams of moving to NYC. Even when I was young, I was always onstage. As soon as I got out of the car, I'd do cartwheels. I was a huge showman. I did plays too. But that didn't do it for me. My heart wasn't complete until I moved to New York for college. And at Hoftstra, I was like a local celeb. My site first became popular there.

Coutura: Your site is huge!

MJ: Thanks! I do everything myself. Blogging, video editing, graphics, everything. And tweet. And facebook.

Coutura: Whoa. You must be super busy. Walk us through a typical workday.

MJ: There is no such thing! And that's what I love about it. I go out every night so there's no set time that I wake up. I have lunch meetings with execs. At nighttime, I hit the streets hard.

Coutura: How important are these events? Because a lot of time, when people aren't in this business, they look at us like 'Why are you partying? On a Tuesday?' They don't get that it's for work.

MJ: Oh no, it's not partying. Most nights, I don't even drink. I look at it as work. But then, I also see it as WERQ, W-E-R-Q. It's my time to Werq it...and mingle, bat my eyes a little bit. Whether or not I talk to people, I make sure that I'm noticed.

Coutura: Speaking of not drinking, I always sideeye the person acting a drunken fool at industry events. What are three common mistakes up-and-comers make in the entertainment biz?

MJ: First, trying too hard. Begging for Twitter followers. Mass spamming magazines like People, Us Weekly. They're not going to write about you if you do that! Or trying so hard to get your picture taken. Even if you do make it on a photo agency site, a mag editor isn't going to say "Who's that?" and google you. They're going to say "Who's that?" and keep it moving. Number 2, not working hard enough. Success is not handed to you. Number 3 is like you said, getting drunk at events. If you're trying to make a name for yourself, be very careful about your image because everybody is watching you.

Coutura: People think you have the coolest job, but what was your most un-cool, embarassing red-carpet moment?

MJ: OMG. It just happened a month ago. I interviewed Gabourey Sidibe, who is Oscar nominated for her incredible role in Precious. I was so enamored by her. My final question to her was something along the lines of "How are you going to celebrate all your success?" And she said, "Well, I just got two tickets to Mariah Carey's show at Madison Square Garden, I couldn't be more excited." And being so enamored by her, I said: "OMG, are you going to meet her?" And everyone in the room started hysterically laughing because Mariah was in Precious. (laughs) But now, we're really close. We message back and forth and that dumb comment was the start of a great friendship.

Coutura: That's so cute. And it happens to the best of us. I've definitely had moments like that.

MJ: Yeah, it was cool. And she's the sweetest thing. Put that in your article. I just adore her.

Coutura: What was it like interviewing Rihanna on top of the Empire State Building?

MJ: I'm glad you asked that. I'll never forget that. She's so young, people forget that, and such an amazing person. I was working at OK! Magazine at that time...as an intern! I was such a superstar intern that they sent me on a job to interview this pop star. Rihanna loved my Cristina V. necklace so much that she calls me "Necklace Boy," whenever I see her. Which goes back to what you said about looks. Celebs love fashion and are so enamored by my style, they forget that I'm an interviewer and we start chatting like friends.

Coutura: Who is your celebrity crush?

MJ: Adam Lambert. We're pretty much married, he's doesn't know it yet. Just kidding. I've met him quite a few times. Last time I saw him was at a Z100 concert. And he told me, "I like your studs," because I was wearing a studded jacket. And I was like, "I like you stud."

Coutura: Hahaha, smooth! I love it! Adam Lambert is so cute! What would the public be surprised to know about you?

MJ: That I'm also quite introverted. Vibrant and red-carpet ready when I'm out on the scene. But when I'm in, I'm IN. Right now, I'm wearing undies, a t-shirt and no makeup. Very introverted.

Coutura: Really?! Could never imagine you being introverted.

MJ: Yeah, I'm a Cancer in the truest form. Also, I'm very sensitive.

Coutura: Oh, I'm dating a Cancer now. He's great.

MJ: Aren't they the best?

Coutura: Oh, he's amazing. Speaking of amazing, Give us some Micah-isms.

MJ: Ooo, Micah-isms! Ok, the first one I want to speak on, is the famous "amazeballs." My first slogan for the site was "Quench your thirst for amazingness." I shortened it to "amazeballs." I said it so often, that my friends and celeb friends started saying, "OMG. That's amazeballs." And then (clears throat) Perez Hilton started saying it.

Coutura: (laughs) But everyone knows it's yours! I was going to say, your positive spin on celebrity news puts you on the other end of the spectrum in relation to what Perez and others do. I'm sure celebs appreciate that you don't slander them. So, we're going to play a positive name game. I'm going to say a celeb's name and you say the first thing that comes to mind.

Coutura: Lady Gaga.

MJ: Trendsetter.

Coutura: Khloe Kardashian.

MJ: The new Nicole Ritchie.

Coutura: True! Lindsay Lohan.

MJ: Troubled. Being honest. She's an incredible actress but if her parents were more involved, and out for her best interest as a human being, rather than a celebrity, she'd be better off.

Coutura: Preach! Adam Lambert.

MJ: Hubba, hubba, hubby.

Coutura: Hahaha. Angie and Brad.

MJ: The epitome of Hollywood.

Coutura: Definitely. People don't realize you have talents outside of the celebrity world. Like makeup.

MJ: (laughs) There's a lot of things people don't know I can do. Like I also sing.

Coutura: Shut the front door!

MJ: Have you heard my song with Aubrey O'Day? Go to YouTube and type in Micah Jesse Fashion Week. [Editor's note: Check out the song below]. I've never taken classes but I love to sing. Also, for makeup, when I was in high school, I'd have my girlfriends over for a sleepover and do their makeup. And I've been doing it ever since. I started experimenting on myself. I'd put on makeup and club in Atlanta. Not a lot. A little bit of eyeliner. And would rub it off as much as I could before I got home to my somewhat conservative parents.

Coutura: In New York, so many guys wear makeup. And even straight guys do now, like Pete Wentz. What makeup tips can you share with us?

MJ: Bronze skin always makes you look skinnier. If you're against tanning, try spray tanning. They've perfected it so people don't look orange. Also, use color that compliments your eyes, whether green or blue or brown. And lastly, I recommend falsies, fake eyelashes. Adrienne Bailon wears them and she has the most beautiful eyes. They always make her eyes pop.

Coutura: Yes! She has the most gorgeous eyes! I need some falsies. Well, thanks so much for sharing your secrets with us.

MJ: Sure!

Coutura: And enjoy your new blonde hair!

Check out Micah Jesse's transformation here:

And check out his song "Fashion Week" with Aubrey O'Day and O'Neal McKnight:



Would you wear...Solange and my two-toned leggings?

Lindsay Lohan has an entire leggings brand. Laquan Smith's cut-out leggings are a celeb favorite. And jeggings (jean leggings) are flying off the shelves. Take one guess what the trend of the winter is.

And leggings aren't going anywhere soon. Designers are coming up with innovative ways to keep the trend going, from graffiti and spray-painted designs to two-toned leggings. And I just have to buy every last design! (I'm a leggings fanatic.)

My latest purchase was a pair of two-toned leggings from American Apparel. The front part is black and white striped and the back is pure black. Cat-in-the-hat meets Rhythm Nation.

When I bought them, Ferocia told me, she likes them for me but wouldn't be able to pull them off herself. Admittedly, I'm drawn to crazy, wild fashions and wear whatever attracts me at the moment (this is why I totally fit in in New York!) so I picked them right up.

Check out Solange and I rocking the American Apparel leggings below. Solange paired them with a white tank and off white blazer. I wore a black tulle, babydoll top under my leather McQ for Target vest.

They retail for $40 at American Apparel stores and on the web.

What do you think? Would you rock them?



Designer Crush: Laquan Smith

Sure he's famous and Andre Leon Talley-approved NOW, but I've always had the hots for new designer, Laquan Smith.

It was April of 2009 at Paper Magazine's Beautiful People party (where Katy Perry performed...with a blow-up lipstick case) where I first laid eyes on Laquan's work. And his leggings were indeed beautiful.

It was the kind of fashion that's so amazing you can't really describe it. They were sort of metallic, kind of leathery with to-die-for cut-outs. (Rihanna rocked a similar style Laquan Smith jumpsuit in her Rude Boy video). And I couldn't stop staring. And on top of everything, he was tall, skinny and uberfab.

In true Coutura form, I walked right up to him. "Umm, I need your leggings. Who makes them?" While chatting with Prince playing in the background, I learned I was speaking to the designer behind those fabu leggings, Laquan. He was a sweet, softspoken up-and-coming designer from Queens and I was a Fashion Assistant at The Magazine. Match made in fashion heaven.

Though his leggings are the definition of edgy, Laquan is much more than another purveyor of 'downtown cool.' He creates wearable art: one-of-a-kind pieces that warrant a second, and third, look. Since our chance meeting in April, Laquan has had the pleasure of seeing pieces from his line, LaQueue by Laquan, end up on Lady Gaga, Amerie, Jaslene from America's Next Top Model and Rihanna (Andre Leon Talley thinks Michelle Obama should be next).

And he totally deserves the attention. His vision is fresh, creative and brilliant, perfect for the celebrity, or fashionista, who commands the spotlight.

The inspiration for his latest collection? A water goddess. The color palette reflects sand and sea with oceanic tones of blue intermixing with camel hues. The silhouettes range from avante garde (hello puffy shoulder dress!) to red-carpet sexy (I died and was reborn in that blue fitted frock). Oh, and of course he included his famous leggings in blue. Check out his Autumn/Winter 2010 collection pieces below and go to www.laquansmith.com for more info on the designer.

How can you not crush on Laquan Smith with these amazing looks?! Laquan, if you're reading, call me. =)



10 Minutes With Celebrity Hairstylist Ursula Stephen

Hey Glamazons! You all know that we can't get enough of Rihanna. (That hair, those clothes!) So, I was super psyched to finally catch up with her amazing hairstylist Ursula Stephen in between her crazy, non-stop traveling schedule. Here's what she had to say:

Ferocia: What is your favorite thing to do when you're not busy traveling?
Ursula: Shopping, eating.
Ferocia: Where do you like to eat at?
Ursula: Where do I like to eat? Oh my god! I like everything. Right now, I'm really hooked on this one Thai restaurant in Brooklyn. And all I eat from there is calamari. I have spots in the city like obviously Philippe Chow's and, you know, it changes. Whatever I crave when I'm away and I can't really get it, I always try to get it when I'm home.
Ferocia: But, when you're home, what is your favorite thing to do? Because you're always traveling.
Ursula: I definitely love to catch up with friends. It was hard for me at first, but now I'm definitely getting back into it because I was always like I'm so tired. I gotta sleep for two days. But now I'm really trying to go out with my friends again. Just going out. Trying to do sociable things. Comedy shows. You know, whatever. Just doing whatever.
Ferocia: What is your favorite thing about being on the road so much?
Ursula: The one favorite thing is actually shopping. Because you get to find different things. That's fun. I actually do like room service. [laughing] And it's funny because we went to Korea and we had to do this thing with Rihanna where they like, follow her on the street and we didn't even realize that we were like on this street with like crazy vintage stores. And we found some dope things! Meeting different people is always good, too.
Ferocia: Do you speak any other languages?
Ursula: No. I don't.
Ferocia: Have you ever thought about looking into it since you've been all over the world?
Ursula: I do, but then you get there and you have a translator and people are trying to speak English so there's really no need. I know how to say "hello" in many different languages, obviously, but I don't really know how to speak in full conversations.
Ferocia: So, out of all the hairstyles that you've created for Rihanna, what's your favorite one?
Ursula: Oooo. My favorite would be, I think, maybe her American Music Awards hairstyle. There's a couple of them that I really liked. Oh! I liked the one at the Video Music Awards, about three years ago, when she had on the hot pink dress and she had like a bob. That's one of my favorites because I got to cut like crazy and that was fun.

Ferocia: What do you like most about working on celebrity clients? When you start, do you look at their outfits first, do you work with the stylists?
Ursula: It's so different every time. It could be the outfit, or the hair first. It depends on what we're doing as well. Like, if we're doing a video there's usually a direction that we're going in.
Like when we did 'Rude Boy' it was a Jamaican pinup. So, that was our direction.
Ferocia: Was that fun?! P.S. That video was hot!
Ursula: Yeah, that was one of the most fun video that we've done. Everytime we did do a video, it was always more realistic hair and makeup and just real life stuff. So, we finally got a chance to like do more characters. Like [Rihanna] wore a red wig and even though I'm known for changing up her hair so much, it's still basically short, funky, edgy. This time, I got to take it to a whole other level. Like the whole puff that we did, the wig. It was fun!
Ferocia: So, what's next for you?
UrBoldsula: Wow. I'm trying to figure that out now. I used to always try to have a plan. It's weird because I'm always that person that tries to have a plan, but when I didn't have a plan, things would just always just work out for me and fall into place. I didn't really know that I would be doing this or traveling the world with Rihanna. Now, I'm like do I still not do a plan and just let God gives me what he gives me? I think my plan is to always walk in the right direction. And never turn down an opportunity.
Ferocia: That's a good idea! So, what's your favorite fragrance?
Ursula: Oooo if I told you, I'd have to kill you. I'm so sorry, but like my best friends are still trying to figure out what my fragrance is and I won't tell them. I wear it every single day.
Ferocia: Is it some 'ole ghetto stuff that you got on the corner somewhere? [laughing]
Ursula: No, it's not ghetto! I have like 25-30 perfumes on my table and I only wear that one every day. Like that's my signature scent.
Ferocia: And you're not going to tell anybody what it is?
Ursula: No, sorry.
Ferocia: Ursula has a signature scent.
Ursula: It's very expensive. And it's very rare.
Ferocia: Really? Is it Hermes?
Ursula: No.
Ferocia: I'm gonna sniff you and figure out what it is. And I'll just whisper it in your ear once I figure it out because you know I have a good nose for things like that.
Ursula: That's fine. [laughing] I went to a club with it on one day and this girl in the bathroom was like 'What are you wearing? I smelled you from downstairs?' I said that is so nice, but I can't tell you. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell Rihanna. I won't tell Mary J. Blige. I won't tell anyone. You can be Michelle Obama and I'm not telling you.
Ferocia: So, if anybody could give you a gift, what would you want it to be?
Ursula: People see me wearing all this name brand stuff, but that's what I buy for myself and I would never expect people to buy things like that for me. I just like really thoughtful small things that I wouldn't buy for myself; that I just wouldn't have the time to find it. One of my friends bought me a travel set about 2 years ago and it was like the best Christmas gift I ever got. It was like the holder with a cashmere blanket and cashmere socks and I was like oh my god I really need this to travel in! My friend bought me a passport holder which I needed because I was like a bum with my passport. So, you know, just like little things that are thoughtful, I just love it.
Ferocia: And what are some hair tips that you can offer to our readers for both permed and natural hair? For the everyday girl.
Ursula: For natural, I'd say to maintain your hair by wrapping it at night. People think that you can't keep your hair straight because you don't have a relaxer but wrapping it actually preserves the straightness. And for the permed girls that do wrap their hair at night, you should switch the directions up every two days. When you do that same circular motion everyday, your hair tends to just stay like that. What happens to the girls that do keep in the same motion, that left side is always breaking and thin. You have to switch it up. And sometimes, don't even wrap it. Just throw it up into a ponytail. It doesn't have to perfect every day, you know?
Ferocia: What about the girls that wear extensions alot?
Ursula: Try not to do the same hairstyle all the time. Like, if you wore a middle part this time around, next time you should do a side part. Then next time, wear it all back. And then the next time maybe you shouldn't even do a weave at all. When you keep doing the same hairstyle, that hair that you're using to cover up the track or use as camoflouge becomes stressed because it's that same hair used every time. You have to give it a break.
Ferocia: Anything else that you want to add to our amazing Glamazons readers?
Ursula: Um, nope. But I love The Glamazons! Those chics are hot.

The Little Scrublet That Could

Hey Glamazons! I’m very picky when it comes to face washes. From creams to scrubs, I think I’ve tried just about every face wash on the planet. The criteria of a winning face wash (in my opinion) is actually fairly simple: does it wash away the mascara and stubborn black eyeliner that I wear daily; does it not leave my skin feeling tight and dry; and (most importantly) does my skin feel clean and not slimy? (Yes, it’s true. I’ve tried some face washes that left my skin feeling like it had a layer of sludge on top. Yuck.) The winning face wash of the moment for me is L’Oreal’s Go 360 Clean Deep Facial Cleanser. Although I think the formula is great, it was the little Scrublet that put the icing on the cupcake. You just pop it out of the bottle, dab on a bit of cleanser (you don’t even need to use much) and scrub away. At first glance and feel, it seemed as if this flimsy little piece of material with its raised pattern would do nothing to properly clean my skin. But, a couple of strokes and one rinse later, I knew that the scrublet and I (oh, and the face wash, too) were going to be good friends! Has anyone else tried it yet? If so, what do you think?



New Fragrance Accessory On The Block

Hey Glamazons! You should know by now my small obsession with fragrance accessories. (Ok, it's not really that small...in fact, it's quite ginormous in that I own just about every super cool fragrance accessory that was ever invented...including the Marc Jacobs Lola fragrance ring, which is one of my personal faves.) So (with that said) I'm excited to share with you news about the latest fragrance accessory to hit my boudoir: the Stella McCartney Solid Perfume necklace.
It's a super chic silver round shaped locket on a long and stamped with the Stella McCartney logo. With one discreet flick of the your finger, the top part opens to reveal a light pink solid version of the fragrance Stella. I wore mine during NYFW and not only was it a cute addition to my outfit, it was also a great way to keep me smelling good at the tents. (Because, let's be real here, running from show to show and hanging out backstage in hot, tight backstage areas do not always make for the best smelling me.)

WIN IT!! Alice In Wonderland Inspired Beauty Booty

Hey Glamazons! I'm sure you're all stoked about the upcoming release of Tim Burton's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. (I know I am! Mostly because it features one of my favorite actors, Johnny Depp. I not only admire him for his stellar good looks, but also because he plays a crazy person so well!) To get into the spirit, I've been wearing eyeshadow shades from my Urban Decay Alice In Wonderland Book of Shadows and I'm smitten with OPI's Mad As A Hatter (a shade of black with multi-colored glitter).
With eye shadow names like Underland and Midnight Tea Party, the Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows features travel size versions of the 24/7 Eye Pencils in Zero and Flipside and Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Sin. The book opens to reveal a full size mirror and a cute pop up version of a shrunken Alice in a peculiar forest.

The limited edition Alice In Wonderland collection from OPI features four shades: Absolutely Alice (a blue glitter); Thanks So Muchness! (a red shimmer); Off With Her Red (a fierce hot red); and Mad As A Hatter.

Tell us: Who is your favorite character from Alice in Wonderland and why?
Leave your comments below and we'll pick the most outstanding. The winner will receive one of the Urban Decay Alice In Wonderland Book of Shadows.

Can't wait to read your responses!

Prada Says Butts, Boobs and Hips are In for Fall

Forget Prada's sexy librarian trend. What's really hot this season are breasts, hips and butts...on the runway.

While high fashion has all but ignored a woman's natural curves, opting for the real-life mannequin look, Miuccia Prada has fully embraced our humps in her latest show---and it's about time.

Don't get excited. We're not talking about curves of the Brick House, 36-24-38 kind (sorry, Melissa Ford). But models like Lara Stone, Doutzen Kroes, Catherine McNeil, Miranda Kerr and Alessandra Ambrosio, and their relative hip, breast and derriere fat, are still a breath of fresh air on the catwalk. Rose Cordero, who covers the new issue of French Vogue, brought some much-needed color to the runway.

The collection, it seems, was structured for a voluptuous woman as well. The A-line skirts and dresses are perfect for women with hips and butt. The raised waists only further highlighted womanly, hourglass silhouettes. 

And the breasts. Ruffles and pointy bras enhance the chest area. While models everywhere are cringing, real women are ecstatic about what this means for the future of fashion. Miuccia Prada is a trendsetter and if all goes well, it's only a matter of time before more fashion brands follow suit. Check out the collection below:

Either Miuccia Prada has been hanging out with Beyonce, or the curves phenomenon (seen previously in the V Magazine Size Issue and Vogue Curvy) is really in full swing.

Regardless, I'm happy to see that a little bit of fat is in fashion. (I'm looking proudly at my shape in the mirror as I type this.)

What do you think of Prada putting curves on the runway? Do you think the "trend" will endure?



StarDust On My Eyes: New Faves From Urban Decay

Hey Glamazons! All that glitters is always gold in MY book. A few months ago I had the privilege of attending an Urban Decay luncheon with the company founder and a group of beauty editors where they presented us with the Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows (more on that in a bit) and these atothemazing new eye shadows called StarDust. Sparkling, glittery eyeshadow shades in fun jeweled tone shades and even a dazzling inky black?! Oh, happy day! I love them. Each and every one. They go on surprisingly smooth and you don't have to worry about the sparkly dust falling all over your face throughout the day (or night) because it stays put. The other cool part about these eyeshadows is the chic new packaging. Just one tiny squeeze and the lid pops open.

Urban Decay has also launched Eden, a matte addition to the Primer Potion family. (If you've never tried their eyeshadow primers, I highly suggest you get into it. It's by far the best way I've found to keep my smoky eye looking fab all night long!)

AND (because we can never have enough eyeliner in life) be sure to pick up the newest additions to the 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils family: Binge (finally! a navy); Mildew (a dark green based on their best selling eyeshadow); Oil Slick (my fave! black with silver sparkle); and Crash (a rich deep eggplant). Let us know what you think after you test each item out!

10 Minutes With Afrobella: Contributor to Vogue Black

Hey Glamazons! So, as you know by now, Vogue Italia has officially launched Vogue Curvy and Vogue Black.
Ferocia caught up with the amazing beauty and fashion blogger Afrobella , who just announced today that she will be an official contributor to the Vogue Black site! Here's what she had to say:

Ferocia: Coutura and I are so excited for you!
Afrobella: It is crazy! I didn't know when [the Vogue editor] was going to put my first post up. But, yesterday I was reading The Cut and all of those comments and all of that stuff. And I wanted so bad to say something, but I was like I'm not going to say anything until my name is up and until my bio is up. They haven't even put the bios up yet! They're going to put the bios up this weekend I guess. It's been interesting.
Ferocia: So, is the site based in NY?
Afrobella: No! It's in Italy.
Ferocia: So these people are actually in Italy doing this site, right?
Afrobella: Yeah. The one that I've been communicating with is definitely in Italy.
Ferocia: How did you meet him?
Afrobella: He reached out to me in November.
Ferocia: Wow!
Afrobella: I got an e-mail. That was it.
Ferocia: Wow! So you just got an e-mail and now you're like fabulous fashionista in Vogue...
Afrobella: [laughing] I mean, it's weird because my blog is very different from a lot of other blogs, so I'm like it's not really all beauty and it's not really all fashion. But, they were looking for strong writing and strong content.
Ferocia: Did they give you a topic to write about or can you just write about whatever you want?
Afrobella: I can write about whatever I want to write about pretty much. [The editor] approached me and was like we would like to contribute to the site. What are your ideas? He actually asked me to write a list of who I thought were the best black beauty bloggers that her should reach out to. So, I gave him that list, but I don't know if he's reached out to anybody. It's kind of awkward to be like "Hey! Did you get an e-mail from..." I didn't really know what to do about that. I'll see if he plans on adding to the roster because I think that they should. To me, this is just the beginning.
Ferocia: Yes, I agree. I like that it's very organic and that they actually did research before reaching out to you.
Afrobella: They're working on it and it's been an education on both sides. It's been interesting.
Ferocia: That's so awesome! What excites you most about this opportunity?
Afrobella: I mean, honestly, this is crazy. It's Vogue! It's like Vogue is respecting black bloggers?! Like what?! Did hell freeze over today? I know it snowed last night but I was like damn, you know? It's just crazy. I've been seeing people complaining about it all the time. Like, The Cut, for example. I respect them and I love what they do, but where are they giving tribute or props to black bloggers? I haven't seen any of that. And that's what I'm most excited about is that finally a mainstream fashion publication recognizes that black bloggers are here and we're interested in beauty and we're interested in fashion and we are a market worth respecting. Finally! And it's not even in America! It's across the world. But, it's the beginning of something kind of awesome and I'm so proud.
Ferocia: You plan on still keeping your blog, right?
Afrobella: Nu ugh! I'm not giving [my blog] up! That's my baby!
Ferocia: How long have you had your blog?
Afrobella: Since 2006. This year will be my fourth blogaversy! It's crazy. More than anything else, it's proof that hard work does pay off. Hard work and taking that time and all of the things that I've done...because they're times where I've been discouraged and there are times that I've been like I can't do this blog anymore....I'm not making enough money off of it...what am I doing? I quit my job. I'm doing this full time now. When I made that decision, it was really terrifying because of all of those things that they say about the economy and stuff, but it's actually working!
Ferocia: Honestly though, I think that all of that stuff that they say about the economy is just a scape goat. Because you know I used to work at a magazine and got laid off, but when I was working there, that's why Coutura and I started this blog because we didn't have the creative outlet to say and write the things that we really wanted to write about. So, even if you have a full time job and you're still not doing creatively what you want to do, then I don't think that you should hide behind that, you know?
Afrobella: Nope.
Ferocia: And now that we're both laid off, we have more time to blog now!
Afrobella: Yeah, that's great!
Ferocia: I also think that black people as a whole, we don't support each other enough.
Afrobella: Nope. And I have to say that especially in the beauty and fashion world. But I do have to say that there is a sisterhood and brotherhood of black bloggers once you get out of beauty and fashion. Which is unfortunate and I hope that it changes and I certainly do my best to be inclusive and to be everything, but I mean, it's crazy. I get more love and more support from hip hop bloggers and people that are not even in the arena of stuff that I write about. There are some beauty bloggers that are my girls forever and ever and that have been supportive of me from day one, but I see alot of newer black beauty blogs and stuff starting up and it's kind of...not competitive, but it's like we're all on our own page; when we should be together and we should be showing each other that love and support that we're not getting.
Ferocia: Yep! So true and I agree with you.
Afrobella: We are living in interesting times. With this whole [Vogue Black] thing, it's kind of like now what? There are so many of us who are here and there are so many of us doing so many different things and complementing each other and I hope that this is not going to be a one time thing. I can't speak to the future plans of what it will be and I can't speak to my future plans for my blog, but I am honored to be here at the beginning of it and I hope that it just brings bigger and more awesome things for all of us.

Vogue Italia Launches Vogue Curvy and Vogue Black

Curvy women and black culture are officially en vogue.

Vogue Italia has relaunched their website to include channels for Vogue Curvy (for full-figured women), Vogue Black (for black women) and Vogue Talents (for up-and-coming talents).

The site, which is available in English, boasts video interviews, photo galleries, articles and images---all the features fashion lovers spend hours dissecting on the web.

Vogue Curvy currently features an interview with plus-size model of the moment, Crystal Renn, while Vogue Black offers an exclusive talk with model/mogul Tyra Banks. Vogue Black also includes a profile on Grace Jones and an article "Know Your Fro" by amazing beauty blogger and friend of The Glamazons, Afrobella. Vogue Talents presents an interview with the Rodarte sisters, Kate and Laura Mulleavy, and footage from their Fall 2010 Fashion Show.

The content is pretty exceptional. The concept, on the other hand, has caused quite the controversy.

In general, everyone agrees that it's great that Vogue Italia recognizes that curvy women and black culture are worth celebrating. But some argue that presenting them on separate channels is still divisive. It's like saying 'You deserve attention, just not on our main channel. Here's a section just for you.'

Similar complaints were made during the launch of the Vogue Italia All-Black issue and V Magazine's Size Issue. To some, it perpetuated separatism. Instead of incorporating women of color and women with curves into these magazines on a regular basis, groups are given an issue where it's all about them...one month out of the year. They're celebrated, yes, but still marginalized.

On the other hand, people are arguing that ESSENCE Magazine, Ebony Magazine, Latina Magazine, Sister 2 Sister Magazine, etc. are just as separatist, focusing solely on a particular ethnic group. Sure magazines like Ebony were created as the answer to exclusion from the mainstream, but now those magazines have set the tone for what "inclusion" means. It seems Vogue Italia is just following suit using that same, proven formula.

Which leads me to my next question...can a wide range of cultures, sizes and ethnicities be represented (regularly) in one book? Is it even possible?

Judging from some unfortunate comments about the Vanity Fair controversy, if a magazine is not overtly associated with a race, people believe it should be assumed that it's a "white magazine." Which presents the need for a "black magazine." Perhaps, that's the thinking behind Vogue Italia's separate channels.

When will the pages of a magazine, or the screen of a website, be big enough to fit all of us? Do we even want it to? Discuss.



New York Fashion Week Trend Report

Hey Glamazons!

So you stocked up on Red Bull, threw on your fur, strapped on your Louboutins and survived Fashion Week chaos alongside Ferocia and I. And we love you for it!

After the last show at Bryant Park ends (which was Tommy Hilfiger, fyi), the "Empire State of Mind" song fades and the models change into regular duds and go home, it's time for editors to pick the trends of the season. Well, those who are unlucky enough to not be attending the London and Paris shows (I always laugh at the scene in "Devil Wears Prada" where Emily is dying to go to Paris Fashion Week. That's so me!).

Here's a preliminary roundup of the standout trends we saw at New York Fashion Week. Tell us what's your favorite and what you'd never wear in a million years!


PETA, don't hate me. From colorful fur coats at Zac Posen to fur-trimmed jackets at Marc Jacobs, fur is the most luxurious way to stay warm next Fall. And the opulent material is no longer just for coats.

Fur-trimmed booties, purses and blouses were everywhere on the runway, like the fab fur-trimmed gloves at Brian Reyes. Designers like Marc Bouwer showed faux, PETA-friendly alternatives, which offer a guilt-free way to be lavish. Check out our faves:

Zac Posen

Michael Kors

Marc Jacobs

Stephen Burrows

Marc Bouwer

Boy by Band of Outsiders

Brian Reyes


When financial strife hits, fashion responds with clothes for work in strong, utilitarian silhouettes. The sharp shoulders of the 1940's were an answer to the financial strife of the Great Depression and the need for women to work during World War II.

With recession-induced panic spreading at a fever pitch, and today's war on terror, there is no better time for fashion to embody a brave, valiant spirit. Military looks accomplish just that. From Deola Sagoe, who presented at the Arise Magazine fashion show, to Vivienne Tam, power ruled the runway for Fall. Salute!

Deola Sangoe, Arise

Nanette Lepore

Vivienne Tam


Rich, opulent textures made their presence known on the Fall runways, but none was as important as velvet. The fabric was reborn in silhouettes that ranged from short and sexy (Alexander Wang) to long and luxurious (Nanette Lepore). A velvet blazer at L'Wren Scott offered a practical way to wear the look for day. Whether going to the office or hitting the red carpet, there are plenty of ways to rock Fall's fabric du jour.

Alexander Wang

Marc Jacobs

Rachel Roy

L'Wren Scott

Nanette Lepore


Though cigarette pants, tights and even some leggings were a staple on the catwalk, everyone's talking about the reemergence of the wideleg pant.

Fluid, oversized pants made a triumphant return to the runway paired with everything from suit jackets to knits. The new twist? Experimentations with color at Malandrino (orange) and 3.1 Phillip Lim (gold) that refuse to go unnoticed.

Rebecca Taylor

3.1 Phillip Lim

Charlotte Ronson



DKNY promised to present patchwork in their Fall 2010 sketch, and boy, did they deliver! The patches from Grandma's quilt got a modern and sophisticated update on chunky sweaters at Yigal Azrouel and short, fitted dresses at DKNY. Rodarte had a particularly artful spin on the trend with colors and prints all weaved into one stunning blouse. Grandmas, don't try this at home.



Yigal Azrouel


While designers didn't shy away from an occasional pop of color, most collections were rooted in understated tones, like gray and camel. The latter is a warm and rich staple that looks clean and sophisticated without feeling drab. Michael Kors showed almost an entire collection of camel looks (in line with his safari theme) while newcomer LaQuan Smith's collection presented the neutral color alongside oceanic tones of blue.

Zac Posen

3.1 Phillip Lim

Michael Kors

Boy by Band of Outsiders

LaQuan Smith


I don't like pants, and apparently, many Fall 2010 New York Fashion Week designers share my sentiment. More than ever, several collections skipped pants altogether sending dresses, shorts and skirts down the catwalk.

Of course, I find this thrilling but it presents a dilemma: how does a sexy girl brave the cold with her legs out during the Fall? Designers like Alexander Wang and Elie Tahari have the perfect solution: legwarmers and thigh-high boots...for the fashionista who wants to stay warm while looking hot.

Alexander Wang

Elie Tahari

Vera Wang

L'Wren Scott

Rag & Bone


What once was a pastime for urban rebels has become a legitimate work of art. Heralded for its gritty yet artful flair, graffiti prints are being embraced by designers like Tory Burch and J Brand for Proenza Schouler

Coupled with trend-focused silhouettes, 90's-esque graffiti looks make a chic yet creative statement that shoppers are sure to love. And city girls, like me, who loved graffiti all along will be happy to wear their support on their sleeves, literally. See our top looks below:

Tory Burch

Proenza Schouler

Proenza Schouler

Diesel Black Gold

What do you think of our favorite Fall New York Fashion Week trends? What are your favorites? What are you tired of seeing? What would you never be caught dead in? Discuss.


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