A Day in the Life: Vitalize Entertainment's One Year Anniversary

Fashion has always had a close relationship with music so when I was invited to Vitalize Entertainment's One Year Anniversary Party by the amazing CEO, Rondel Holder (pictured left), I jumped at the chance to attend.

The same way I love writing posts about the next big designers in our "Designer Crush" column, Vitalize Entertainment focuses on finding the best up-and-coming artists.

Held at The Dumbo Loft in Brooklyn, the party was full of talent on the verge of huge success with rising stars like Nexus, 456 Movement, A.Don.Iz and Young Voice.


Young Voice

While enjoying performances by some of the artists above, we mingled, sipped Blue Coat Gin cocktail and danced to 90's songs spun by DJ Mistah Clean (this made my life! the 90's had the best dance tunes!). There were so many great artists in attendance who are positioned to take the industry by storm.

Two of my favorite acts were the fab girl group, Nexus, and the ubertalented rap group, the 456 movement. Check out their videos below. Trust me, you'll be hearing about them again very soon.



456 Movement

Here's Video from the Event! Love it!!

VITALIZE ENTERTAINMENT Launch Event "Fete Fatale" 4.24.10 from Emiliano Styles on Vimeo.

And for all your emerging music needs, make sure to check out the Vitalize Entertainment Boom Blog. That way, when these artists make it big, you can say you knew them when... (Sidenote: that's SO how I feel about Trey Songz. I met him when he was just a random singer with braids hanging out at industry parties and look at him now! It's a great feeling to witness someone's journey to the top!).



Photos by Kuntu Blankson Photography

Video by Emiliano Styles 
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