I died a thousand deaths when I saw the image on allure.com of their cover star, actress Catherine Zeta Jones, posing nude on what looks like a bed in a hotel room. Just look at that pretty porcelain skin and those lovely black black tresses? Dead. (If you can't already tell, I have a total girl crush on her.) Can you believe that she's 40?! Photos like this just motivate me to hit the gym more. That body is fierce.
What do you think Glamazons? Would you ever pose nude for a magazine? I myself am all for it as long as it's done in a tasteful manner, of course.

Here, she's pictured on the cover of the May 2010 issue of Allure in a peach colored silk dress by Fendi. Be sure to pick up the issue (on stands now!) to find out what other celebrities shed their clothes in the name of beauty.
*photos from allure.com, stylelist.com