Ok, so I was freaked/grossed out when I read the harrowing and slightly disturbing feature in People magazine about Heidi Montag and all of her plastic surgeries. I mean, forget that she got 10 of them done all in one day, but just the fact that her breasts are so abnormally GINORMOUS for no reason!
I thank the breast gods daily for endowing me with plenty of, ahem, amplitude on in the top are. Granted that some days they can be a pain in the you-know-what when it comes time for me to try on a cute dress or top, but I'd rather have some, then none. (Exhibit A: Me here trying to put on in this cute Zac Posen for Target frock. Big patterns and breasts just do not go hand in hand lol) I also feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with breast enhancements; just as long as they're done in a tactful manner.
I was happy to see the news that Kate Hudson finally got some because I just don't think that being that flat chested is very attractive. Don't you think her clothes fit her so much better?

Heidi on the other hand has too much of a fit. Spencer CAN'T honestly think that's attractive.
I know that they're media whores, so I kind of get why she did it. Kind of. But I think she looks even worse than she did before. Just such a tragic mess.
What do you think, Glamazons? Do you think Heidi's breast enhancements actually enhance her looks?