Maybe the comparisons to Lady Gaga were getting to her? Or maybe it was just the fact that the single Not Myself Tonight from the upcoming album tanked? (It debuted on the charts at #23. ) Or maybe it's because people aren't buying tickets?
Whatever it is, Christina Aguilera cancelled her upcoming summer tour and moved it to 2011 citing that it was due to "prior commitments" she made to her upcoming film Burlesque. "The singer felt she needed more time to rehearse the show and with less than a month between the album release and tour dates this wasn't possible," Live Nation (the tour's promoter) released in a statement.
And after she talked all that smack about how she was going to "wow" fans on this tour. Tsk, tsk, Christina. She claims that she's just being herself, but I think she's just being extra. The girl's got amazing singing skills, so why can't she just sing? Why does she have to show herself crawling all over the floor in tight leather, kissing girls and grabbing her crotch every 2.5 seconds? (I'm referring to her recent music video for the single Not Myself Tonight. Click here to watch it.)
Not that I'm against artists expressing themselves, but this just looks tired and old on her. Not impressed. Yawn.