GLAM OR SHAM?: Venus Williams' Frou Frou Tennis Outfit

Now, I love the Williams sisters to death and think that they're some fierce tennis players. However, when it comes to their style, I just shake my head.

At the French open this past weekend, Venus Williams may have won the match against her opponent Patty Schynder from Switzerland, but this outfit loses. Williams played in this red and black fitted, corset topped super-short lacy skirted conniption from her line, EleVen. And the nude colored bottoms underneath the frou frou skirt just make it that more painful to look at. Coco Perez had the best shot of the outfit on their site today.!!!
She told the L.A. Times that her look was "about illusion," but I think she just looks like a well muscled woman playing dress up in little girls' clothes. Not a good look, Venus.

What do you think, Glamazons? GLAM or SHAM?

*image by Laurent Rebours/AP Photo
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