Industrie Magazine

Last month I wrote about a new bi-annual magazine coming out called Industrie, which was released a couple of weeks ago now. When I was in London a couple of days ago I got myself a copy and it is the most interesting magazine I have read. Period.
Instead of it being a magazine based on editorials and what to buy it focuses on people who work in industry (hence the title) It's so insightful and inspiring ( The Katie Grand interview is fucking amazing and proves why she is my idol and makes me want to be her so much more... I know it's sad but it's true!!) It is brilliant because it gives you a hindsight into the careers of some of fashions biggest, enigmatic and mysterious stars who work behind the scenes as stylists and editors who deserve credit and acknowledgement. Easily one of the best things I have ever spent seven pounds on, cant wait for the next issue!
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